I ordered a book, the price is low. i got an email, saying "Item: 1x - The Marriage Miracle
Price: $3.99, (price already includes $5.00 savings for first-time purchase), Shipping Cost: $0.00, Tax: $0.00
Total: $3.99"
The book was delivered. So i thought it is a good deal until
tonight when i check my credit bill, i found three charges" 3.99$", "1.0$", "9.95$". I called what are the other two charges. I was told the 1$ charge was the "process fee", the 9.95$ was membership fee. I don't recall that i applied for their membership, they also didn't send me any emails about membership.
I asked them to "cancel" the membership and refund me. They said the membership was cancelled, but the refunding of the 9.95$ will have to wait for 1 to two months. The process fee can't be refunded as the book was mailed out.
Will I do business with this website again? Never!!!