BEWARE - read the small print - Fasthosts lure you into their ‘web’ with nice web hosting prices - LOOK very carefully - they say next year it will cost you double - it will, and they automaticallty charge you whether or not you want renewing unless you inform them - it’s in their terms.
Do a net search, you’ll find many people are unhappy with Fasthosts.
Their vulture like techiques at getting you to renew autromatically will be their failing. Don’t just tick the terms box - READ IT, otherwise it will cost you dearly, then they freeze your account and you have no access to other hosting accounts you have paid for.
So although it was all my own fault - QUESTION, do you want to use a webhosting company that uses agressive ways of getting your money? If they were so fantastic they would not need to. I’ve taken my business elsewhere.
: )