Grant Reviews Online is advertized from Complaints Board as "Free Government Money" with a picture of President Bush in the ad. When I went to the site it advertizes different companies that offer "Free" software to help find and apply for grants. The only requirement is that you pay a low fee for shipping. Even if you download the software from the company's website, you still have to pay for shipping. Shipping WHAT?!?
AFTER you have submitted your name and address, you find out that the only way to pay for the shipping is to give your credit card information. No options for check, money order, PayPal, etc. From the site below, you have to submit your address info on an unsecured site.
Same deal but at least the site is secure from the start. does warn you that you need to cancel "trials" before they run out to avoid unwanted charges. This smacks of another advertizing ploy that could expose the user into identity exposure. If the philanthropic reason for existence given on one site were true, you wouldn't have to pay shipping on a download and there would be other methods of payment.