April 7, 2010
Not paying bills and unauthorized bank withdrawals
Humana has jacked me around ever since I signed up in Mar 2009. I'm constantly on the phone trying to straighten out there mistakes and incompetent billing. I was on the Humana Advantage Plan because it fit my budget and I didn't see doctors very often. When I had to get a colon operation I had to call in to Humana for a "Waiver" to go in Network providers and Hospital. No problem except that it took numerous phone calls by me to the providers that sent me unpaid bills and humana denying payments. The operation was in Aug of 2009. Humana didn't notify me of processing the bills nor did they notify the providers billing office. The providers change so often I can't keep up with whose in network or what. I call Humana every time before I see a doctor to confirm of in network authorization. Some doctors offices excepted Humana without checking which plan I was on. I had no way of knowing whether the provider was excepting the correct plan. It was very difficult to make contact with humana to get a customer svc rep to assist me with my dilema. Cust svc was very courteous and patcient to say the least. But to talk with the source of the problem dept. Forget it. It happened again on 12/04/2009. I had a hand fusion. To this day humana still hasn't finished paying my bills. I'm constantly still on the phone with them. Sure humana corrects the mistakes but why do I have to notify them and babysit them. I'm worried all the time the doctors billing office will turn me in to the credit bureau because of late payments. Now, I tried to change plans so I can eliminate the Co Pay and all the hassle of waivers by changing to the F type Plan. 264.00 dollars a month just for peace of mind. Oh yeah...forget it. They screwed that up to. I decided to just return to the humana advantage plan because I pretty well know there game, I thought. After numurous calls and more issues concerning plans, disenrollments letters etc...I knew nothing about because their agent forgot to inform me, the Humana F type plan that was cancelled by me in Mar before the deadline? They decided to withdraw 524.00 inwhich I gave no authorization from my bank account. That's 2 payments for Mar and Apr this year inwhich I am not covered by the F type plan is in there pockets. I contested the unauthorized withdrawl but humana did it anyway. This is now still pending and if at all I recieve those 2 payments returned to my account won't happen for 4 weeks. Interesting how Humana takes so long to pay legitiment bills but can withdraw your bank account overnite. It's been a nightmare for me with this insurance co to long. So, without saying...I've learned my lesson. I am now in the market for a reputable co. I'm also filing in small claims court. This is a pathetic situation. The Advantage Plan is not an advantage. Believe me. I'm sure some of you out there are happy with your plan. I guess I was in the right place at the wrong time.