May 3, 2011
Customer Service
Really difficult company to deal with. I recently signed up for Humana/ Compbenefits dental plan through my credit union. I sent in my first premium as instructed in Nov. 2010. In December they double drafted me which left my account $2.00 overdrawn and my payment was refused. The bank in turn charged me a $29 OD fee. (Had they billed 1 month as they were suppose to by contract I would have not incurred this cost) So by January 2011, I was in the hole not only for 2 months premiums but also an additional $29 fee assessed by my bank. I am fully disabled with MS and am confined to a wheelchair. My budget is limited and allows me only enough each month to pay for necessities. I deposited my monthly premiums as they were due and was never aware there was a problem with my account until March when I broke a tooth and needed to actually USE the benefits I thought I was paying for. My account with Humana had been closed since January. I contacted Humana and was told that even though THEY created the problem, they were not able to correct it, or return any of the money that I lost due to THEIR error. I was told if I wanted to be reinstated that I would not only have to absorb the cost I already incurred but ALSO give them an additional 4 months premiums to catch up to May 5th. I tried to compromise by saying, ok, let's forget about the initial money that I am out of pocket and let's start this over. "Can I give you a check today to start this over effective May 5th?" That seems fair, right? NOPE! They expect me to pay them for 5 months premiums on a plan I didn't have access to on top of already absorbing the cost of the original malfunction which they admit was totally their fault. I have been through several customer service reps. Each one has been individully rude, uneducated and very UNhelpful in this situation. I've had better service at the DMV.