The Law Firm of Hunt & Henriques continues its unethical practices now in 2 seperate instances while representing Citibank.
In the first instance, I received an unsigned debt collection letter from Hunt & Henriques, as attorney for Citibank. The letter was a computer generated printout with an amount they claimed I owed on a Citibank credit card. Within 30 days I requested Validation of the debt, complete and itemized statements of what they claimed I owed, etc.
Hunt & Henriques failed to respond to my request and subsequently sued me in Court. The Complaint failed to state an account number but simply stated an amount due. What is more disturbing is the fact that on the exact date they claimed I was served, I was in the hospital undergoing surgery for cancer.
Upon learning I was sued, I contacted their offices to ask for a copy of the proof of service and I was abused by a female staff telling me to go to the Court to get a copy.
During the time I was on 6 month medical disability, Hunt & Henriques obtained a default judgment.
Just days ago, I was again sued by Hunt & Henriques on behalf of CitiBank in a seperate case. Again, it is the same scenario whereby they send out an unsigned letter, I respond in accordance with the FDCPA requesting complete statements, validation, etc. Again, they failed respond and simply filed another lawsuit.
I have retained an attorney to file a motion to set aside the default judgment and will counter-sue Hunt & Henriques as well as CitiBank in the first case.
In the second case, the attorney will file an answer and counter claim against Hunt & Henriques and Citibank for violations of the FDCPA, etc.
I am wondering where our California Attorney General is considering all the complaints on various websites respecting Hunt & Henriques unscrupulous legal practice. Isn't it about time that this firm was held accountable for violations of both state and federal law? Shouldn't the California State Bar be looking at some of the legitimate complaints against this law firm?