Hunter Exchange

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Category: Business & Finances

Contact Information
Ontario, Canada

Phone number: 888-800-6838

Hunter Exchange Reviews

NegriElectronics September 28, 2010
Wire Fraud
Hunter Exchange Scam

On 8/26/2010 at 10:41AM PST
I was contacted by Hunter Exchange, from email address [email protected] on behalf of [email protected] regarding the wholesale of Cellular Devices. They were interested in the Negri Electronics Wholesale/Drop Ship program as we have become very good at shipping FOR other wholesale customers, to save on their stock and overhead. They insisted I contact them back and left their number. 888-800-6838 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 888-800-6838 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

At this point, I have no idea who the person is that I am emailing or being emailed from as their companies email system does not contain a signature.

I replied to their email with examples of the stock that we have available for their area, to utilize the 3G bands, such as HD2, Galaxy S, Nexus One, The MyTouch and MyTouch Slide which we stock at all times. Their next email to me came on 8/26 and contained a signature of the following.

HUNTER EXCHANGE CANADA - With you in mind...

STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may include privileged or otherwise confidential information. Any unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, use, disclosure or distribution is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this message in error, or have reason to believe you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

Feeling safer about this company, as they are a Currency Exchange company in Canada, I know that they are regulated by many government agencies.

My next email to them was on 8/26 in reply to their email, I offered them the link and user name and password to our wholesale section of the Negri Electronics site. My email also included stock that I was in search of, including Bell Vibrants, HTC Desire A8182 and the HTC Legend from Telus.

The reply was sent to me on 8/27 with the following information

“This is like a God send. I have full access to these phones. I can get Legend, Vibrants and Desire's NO PROBLEM. They are on my site as well.
My direct line is 888-800-68387 ext 7544. John.

My associate will fill everything out now.”

I emailed them prior to calling, asking on pricing.

Amelia, who filled out the application, replied telling me that it was just faxed to me, and I do have that copy of it saved.

I asked them several times for pricing on the devices in which I was needing. They were very late to reply, but it was Friday and a weekend approaching.

Someone from Hunter Exchange replied with pricing which was very competitive, and they asked “Hope these numbers are attractive for you.” As they were. I immediately replied needing a quote for 100 of each model that I was requesting.

Someone from Hunter Exchange replied with the following:

“I can in no way get 100 Galaxies on the fly... other yes. I can get aprox 20 for now. I am told I can get the remainder in 1 week.
Just so we are clear these are branded Telus and Bell.”

I explained that I would rather start with a 20 pc of each device order, as it would be a large wire to send over $150k to get all 300 pc.

Hunter Exchange sent me a message to follow that needed my information, claiming that they need this before they are a Currency Exchange Company. Below is the info they requested:

If you wish to do large transactions I suggest using our account method. I can accept US so you loose nothing in currency exchange.
Please be prepared to provide one of the following pieces of identification when conducting transactions with HunterEx:
Driver’s License
Permanent Resident Card
Also needed are:
One form of identification confirming the customer’s address, i.e. phone bill or a utility bill.
Your current permanent address
Your phone number
If you are presenting cash for a transaction equal to or exceeding $10, 000 Canadian or equivalent in foreign currency, please be prepared to also provide:
Your occupation
Laundering Policy
If you have concerns on why these measures are in place rest assured that these procedures are common place and is part of our Laundering Policy. Hunter Exchange Canada has developed anti-money laundering policies to ensure that company personnel comply with applicable laws and regulations when engaging in foreign exchange services to clients.
HunterEx adheres to the International Money Laundering Abatement and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act of 2001 and regulations based on that legislation. The company’s anti-money laundering policies and procedures are designed to meet the requirements of the legislation by minimizing the opportunity for customers to engage in money laundering activities through transactions in the ForEx markets. HunterEx procedures are focused on “knowing the customer”.

If you require any further information, please contact us at any time.
Wire Payments (Inbound) for Personal and Commercial Customers

Payment from the USA
Customer provides the initiating financial institution with:
Our customer information including beneficiary account name and address details.
Hunter Exchange
5-3024 Hurontario St.
Mississauga On.
L5B 4M4
Our 11 digit beneficiary branch transit and account number. 0002 4799-717 Branch transit is 4 digits and account number is 7 digits.

Plus beneficiary bank information:
Indicate beneficiary bank is Bank of Montreal and include branch address, city and country.
BMO’s bank number: 001 and 5 digit transit number 00022 with branch address
BMO Bank of Montreal
First Canadian Place
100 King St W., Main Floor, P.O Box 3
Toronto, ON M5X 1A3
416-867-7762 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 416-867-7762 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Tel)

Plus USD correspondent bank information:
Pay through: Wachovia Bank N.A., New York
AND - Fedwire ABA: 026005092
OR - CHIPS UID: 143906

(Some financial institutions specifically require BMO’s beneficiary bank information in the format //CC000100022

Just confirm exactly how many you need and I will gather them. The Samsung Galaxy will take 1 week to gather the full 100. Shipping should cost only 100$ I can adsorb that for you. Canada Post Ground. If you need faster I suggest you use your accounts.

The bank information that they provided looked legit, so I was comfortable with the transaction. However the estimate they sent included tax. They were adding tax to an international order. My email to them read:

“I do notice there is a $3, 000 sales tax on this order. We are not willing to pay sales tax as this is a cross country order. If you need information in order to process this transaction as tax exempt please let me know what that is and I can fax that to you immediately. Alternatively you are able to gather this tax back from your government after 60 days I am told. Let me know if you are willing to do this so that we can proceed with the order.”

They resent the information without the tax, as they were convinced that they did not have to charge this on the cross border order. They failed to mention that the company they were buying from was charging them tax and that’s what was on the estimate, so instead of adding that into the price, they simply added the tax to my total. Odd, yes.

So after receiving their wire information and having them adjust the price of the devices, I submitted this information to my bank to issue the wire. (Proof of wire available upon request).

After submitting the info to my bank to initiate the transfer, I sent them an email confirming that they are shipping the very next day. Their reply was:
“I can only ship after I have funding. So if you send today for example I can ship once I pay for the items because I do not stock these items in such large quantity. It would be aprox 24-48 after I have received the funds. sometimes wires are not instant across the boarder. So if I get clearance at say 4PM I cant do much on that day. I am only speaking on the obvious but usually it just takes me a day to get product and once I get it I ship out”
I was ok with a 48 hour maximum window to ship out, so I went ahead with the transfer of the $24, 350.00 to their account. They then requested again, the information:

“This will work for me for the taxes. I an now state I am shipping out of country. Can you PLEASE supply me with your information? I need this for such a large order.

phone number

if it is the same as shipping or not
if not what is that address

drivers license number and expiry.”

They then replied to my email about using my money to buy the stock:

“No, sorry for the misunderstanding, to be clear, I am an authorized dealer for Mobilicity and our distributor is Ingram Micro. We only keep supply in our store for the demand each store requires. Our online store however works on a per demand basis.

I can order 300 units with ease however I want to secure payment before I do such a thing. I am sure you understand. In canada our demographics are no way as large as your own.

I was told there would be a delay on Desire units and I approached a Telus dealer that I usually deal with when such an issue occurs and he had stock of the Desires. This would be the only instance I would literally purchase units with your funding. This was only due to time restraints. I can order from Ingram but I was told it would take 1 week.

The taxes was due to the fact I had nothing stating shipping. You sent me documents to change this so there is no longer a tax issue. Regardless so you know if there was it can be reimbursed to you from any boarder borkering house.

I have placed orders for what you have specified and only waiting to give a confirmation.”
My next email to them must have been a dream come true:
“24350.00 was just wired, this should cover the fee and anything else. No need to refund in excess. Please send official invoice once this is shipped. Please use the details on the purchase order to ship my order. Contact me immediately if there are any issues, I would like an open communication for this as it’s a fairly large order and I am again wiring $25k to Canada.”

I receive an email on 9/8 at 8am stating “hello, sir. we did received your order and just wating on the phones. have a nice day.”

I’m assuming that this means they received my wire, but I can never be too sure with this company so I emailed them immediately asking for clarification on what this meant.
I then sent 3 more emails asking if the order is shipping today (Thursday 9/9), with no reply in over 24 hours, I sent the email “Please consider me officially worried at this point. I wired over $25k to you and have seen one email. No tracking, no order details. I need to see something from you in the next hour here. Please advise.”

They replied to me “Sir there is no need to be alarmed. You wired funds to us and we received it the next day. We have to wait for the shipments to come in. Once they do we ship out. Our shipments (We ship out) usually take 4-5 business days. This is normal procedure. We have not reach the 4th day as of yet. Please keep this in mind.
If you have any concerns you can call us directly at
888-800-6838 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 888-800-6838 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext 7544”

Now where did they say 4-5 days prior to this? They said 48 hours, that’s 2 days. And now I’m upset. I dealt with scamming companies in Canada before who feel they can do anything they want with US Companies money, Reidcom (Kevin Reid) to be exact. SO my next email to them was not a polite one:
In our communication there wasn’t an instance stated that would take 4-5 days, had I known this I wouldn’t be wiring any funds. You need to put yourself in my shoes sir, I wired $30k to a Canadian expecting overnight and got nothing. I wired you $25k and got an email claiming you “received my order”, nothing to do with “wire”. The shipping method used to ship me the stock should be Priority international. The stock should arrive to me by Friday if it’s shipped today, which according to your email it should. Please let me know if there are any delays.

Have you received tracking from your vendor shipping to you? Do you plan to ship to me today?”

This next email from them just blew my mind. Please read this closely.

“Hi I got 40 of the 60 phones. That is the legend and Desires. The Galaxy S is still on route. However I am being charged regardless for the taxes on these units. I am told you do not pay taxes however I must charge my cost. We have a NEW tax called the HST and this started almost 2 months ago.

Now this is a problem. So I know about your history. So. I can reimburse you back your funds or we can move forward but I have to charge you everything. The invoice I sent is incorrect because I have TAX. The truth of the matter is the tax should be included into the quote of each unit.

I have documentation here:
and a direct number here: 1-800-95-5525

I will admit I have never send such a large quantity over the boarder. I have however sold 300 - 600 within Canada when the Iphone debut so this isn't about the quantity its more about the border issue and new HST tax introduced into Canada.

What should I do. To refund I need your informaiton. I will also reimburse any fees you had to do to send the money.
I will do what ever you wish with no loss to you.
I have to either return this in whole or purchase it whole because of the large amount. If I take 20 and send back the rest it looks like I made an error. They are on top of that up here. People used to order over the amount they need and send back what doesn't sale all the time in the past. So they charge for restocking. If I return everything and make noise it would not apply esp. if I say the order was canceled due to HST issues.

If you want to go ahead. I can get 100 of each item within 4-5 days. This I can confirm and guarantee. The delay is the confirmation of money. This is not done by visa/Amex/MC its cash so when it shows people act. This always delay things by a day. Me waiting on confirmation from you made a delay. So we understand. It takes me 1-2 days to ship once I have money depending on the time I get the money. This does not include holidays or Fridays.

I know. This is Canada. We are not backwards just not as saturated and overpopulated like the US.

OHKAY... so then on that note... the price for the Samsung Galaxy S would be $*** Each. HTC Desire same price $*** each. HTC Legend I can do for $***. You handle shipping.

Believe it or not I make no profit. I am doing this to build a relationship so I can purchase from you in the future. I can show you all our invoices.

I await your response and will not delay on your wishes”

So now these people are charging me the tax that they were charged, after quoting me a different price. My next pissed off email was deserved:

“This is absolutely absurd. You have never done business like this before? You do have to charge tax, BUT YOU GET THIS TAX BACK with proof of the export. All you must do to get this tax back is to provide the copy of the invoice. I have done over 6 million dollars in business with Canadian suppliers and HAVE NEVER paid tax in my entire existence. I realize that you want to make a profit, but BAIT AND SWITCH is not the kind of way to go about it. You are charged tax, but you can get that tax back. Please investigate this and ship my order today as I need it Monday. I will not be buying anything else from you if this order goes sour, regardless of the price or communication or lack their of. Please research this before it gets out of hand. You can get the tax back. It’s the law.”
No reply from them on any of this, so my next email said “I need the stock that you have, shipped to me today. Please use the details in the PO to ship it FedEx International Priority.”

I didn’t care at this point what the price was I just wanted the stock. Just wanted them to ship me what they had as I knew a scam was in the works. Another email sent to them:
“I need them shipped today, please ship them and we can discuss this money issue later. Please simply ship my devices to me.”

An email reply from them as follows:

This is not a "Bait and Switch" as you put it. I said clearly I can reimburse you plus any fees you encountered. What would I gain from doing that?

I understand you had a loss previously but that was not our company. You more than likly paid tax but it was within the cost of the unit. If you read the NEW LAW that was released here in June. HST TAX... we are charged regardless.

The only way you can purchase 300+ phones is to order directly from Ingram Micro. You have to have an account with them. I am not sure if they do that with clients outside of Canada. You would then need a business here.

I understand you are upset. I am being charged Taxes from the distributor. I will not get that back. I have been on the phone with HST for the whole day trying to get this to work.

When was the last order you did from Canada? Any after the HST?

My next email to them was assuming that I am being scammed now, as I can clearly see that they are doing nothing to assist. I know now that they are a scam of a company; HUNTER EXCHANGE is officially a scam. Here is my email:


I realize that this isn't your main form of business; I also realize that you have not been scammed. Sir, I have and this is how they start. I need a reply here before I take this to the next level. Please do not consider this a threat; I will just need to do what I can to mitigate damages in this occurrence. I have educated myself on covering my ass when it comes to dealing with cross border orders, and I do not like to be tested.

With that being said, I will pay the price of the stock in which we did NOT agree upon, but the price of the stock after I have paid you. You have the stock in hand, you claim, so send the stock. This should not take 2 days to get a tracking number from you, and you are slowly losing all credibility with your constant delay and ignorance of this matter.

This is my business so I know how it should be run. When someone pays for stock, you ship them the stock. Please do so Monday or I will be forced to take action.

(Not a good start if you ask me, you're not putting forth any effort to reconcile your actions, and this is going to be terminal for future transactions).”

So not, HUNTER EXCHANGE is feeling threatened, that I want the stock that I paid for to be shipped to me. Odd that a customer wiring 24, 000 would want anything in return, their email to me flipped my lid:

“I am starting to realize this has nothing to do with you being scammed. I will keep this simple.
Send me your banking information and I will send you back your money. I personally know the laws. The little stunt you just tried to do was intimidation. So I loose a large amount of money I paid in taxes by shipping because "I don’t want to get in trouble." Its like I am dealing with some Nigerian Scam or something. I am starting to wonder if the money deposited is clear legitimate money. No business rushes someone to send the way you are. I even stated to reimburse and you still wanted me to ship when I told you clearly I must either buy all or return all.

Sorry, obviously there has been a communication break down and I don't need to force any issues with you.
All specific Information to wire and I will send back your money. I DO HOPE this transfer will be the same it originates from. In other words I am not wiring to your friend in Florida because you on vacation in Europe.
I away you refunding instructions.”

Right now I am about as pissed off at HUNTER EXCHANGE as anyone could possibly be. They “claim” they have the stock, but can not ship it to me, and then “claim” they need to wire me back a refund. Then they accuse my legitimate wire to be something less than that? I almost lost it, I simply sent over the wire information with the following note:

“Send the funds back; you obviously can not deliver what you promised. I do feel bad for people that do business with you on either side.

Add the $35 wire fee as well.”

After all that was sent, I still get this email from HUNTER EXCHANGE:

“Sorry, after the threats bad language and poor communication we were clearly told not to communicate with you until you give us back your bank information.
I will pass this on.
Overall, sorry things did not work out between the two companies. I think there was a gross misunderstanding with product and taxes. I personally saw the units and understand why it had to be addresses. I assume once it was addressed, the relationship deteriorated.
HunterEx has never had issues with any other customers. Google if you do not believe us. You are literally the first.
In any event. I will send back these units and proceed with your refund in USD plus $35 USD.”

My reply:

“The poor communication was not on my part. Even when I said ship the damn devices at whatever price you need, you still didn’t ship. Just incapable of doing any business, that’s what it comes down to. Send the wire proof. I covered my ass to the max on this as I knew I was getting scammed, so I have people standing by if the wire doesn’t go through. “

Then Hunter Exchange started to attempt to get smart with me. Sending this:

“You threaten us one more time and you will have a problem. Do you know what the definition of the word scam?
Obviously you don’t. Stop with the libel comments. I am getting emails from my workers saying they are afraid to check the emails?
Because you have someone waiting for them? For the meantime, this is civil but I see its slowly trickling into harassment.
Keep it professional. No more personal libel comments or innuendo threats.
I see this is escalating. I will have to contact my legal representatives regarding threats and libel acts”
My reply was simple, obviously these were not threats. These were facts and they would be followed up on. My email read:
“These are not threats sir. I will send someone over there to pick up my money if you do not send it. That is not a threat, that is a PROMISE sir. And if you do not wire me back by the end of the day I will report this to every government agency you report to. You find these threats? Then send the money back. This will hurt you more than it will hurt me. You can not do a thing to me as you are in process of running away with my money. This is a felony, do you know what that is or do I need to send you a link? And do you think you can operate a currency exchange company once I report that you knowingly took $24, 000 from me and refuse to give it back? Check your self man. This is just hurting you.”

As any one would do, instead of a refund, I simply asked if someone could pick up the stock. As I knew I was getting scammed, this was a perfectly good way to verify for sure. So I sent someone over to see this companies shitty location and talk to someone who had enough sense to SPEAK to someone instead of just emailing. So I sent my friend Jay over there, and no one knew what was going on. Then Jay talked to Terry Hunter on the phone. He was very calm about everything, so after they got off the phone, Jay emailed Terry. Asked if he could pick up the stock.

After I accused them of not having the stock in hand (which they never did), I get this email.

Ingram MICRO. And if you READ you would see that was a partial order not all units were from Ingram.

Please do not contact us again. Your threats have gone far enough.

Your wire transfer is in process and your refund will be with you within 6-8 weeks if not sooner.”

6-8 weeks? 6-8 weeks? 6-8 weeks? Are you kidding me!! I wire them and its 24 hours and when they want to refund me its 6-8 weeks. Oh no, that is not how I work here. I immediately went to Google and posted their reply to my emails and called them an outright scam which they are.

I get an email from John Hunter from Hunter Exchange (who also copied Jay) that is just off the wall, Please read this email from him.

“Well this is John Hunter. I initially spoke to Ryan J. Negri about this purchase.

Be well advised we are reviewing the threats made and considering criminal action. Any damage or abuse done to any employee or property of HunterEx will be put into consideration and investigated with Mr. Ryan J. Negri as a Prime suspect. I have been told as well you are his Canadian contact that will be "paying us visits".

I warn you do not cross the legal line. I do respect concern but we are now entering illegal actions that bring concern to the safety of my staff. We have all voice conversations and emails recorded. This is not a bluff.

He has slandered our name and posted multiple libel comments about our company. On 14 Sep 2010 he posted libel comments on Google and I do believe the time from his transfer to our accounts and for us to order does not indorse him calling ALL our stores and employees scammers. We are now seeking legal counsel and suggest you do not communicate with us any further.
Any acts or comments or communication from hence forth will be considered harassment.
If you wish to contact us, we suggest you communicate with Sidney Klotz Law firm. 416.243.2222 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 416.243.2222 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ex 301

On a side note. I hope you are not in the same mind set as Mr. Negri. We can't deliver product that has almost 4, 000 still owing on it. We are not TAX EXEMPT. We have accounts with Ingram Micro who does our phone orders with Mobilicity and we have associates with Telus. We cannot defraud a person that wants us to lose money.

He went way overboard and I do not endorse that activity. To be fair and just I will let you know from his threats we sent back inventory the day he started doing libel acts. We do not want and have been advised not to do any business with this person.

I am also investigating all other websites he posted on. Google is apparently only one of them.
Attached are some of the communication and documents that we have gathered.

To summarize what has happened here between Negri Electronics and Hunter Exchange (the scamming company of HunterEx)

They collected Money
They Ordered stock with my money
They “received” the stock
They refused to ship the stock
They refused Pickup of the stock
They issued a “refund” that will take 6-8 weeks!

This company has gone above and beyond scamming. My assumption is they were in need of some capital and used my money to pay off some loan shark or some debt that they had. So now they will either spend the next 6-8 weeks scamming someone else to pay me back, or they are already out of the country spending it freely.

They will take your money and spend it, and give you some BS reason why they can’t get what you want and then they will never refund you.

But do what I do, post on the BBB of Canada, also post on every fraud site and scam site you can find. I have reported this to the following
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (‘RCMP’)
Ontario Provincial Police Anti-Rackets Branch (‘OPP’)
Internet Crime Complaint Center(United States)

Please do not make the same mistake I did, research your company before you wire. They are just another scam company, Hunter Exchange is a Fraud and a Scam!

The latest word from Hunter Exchange is that they have contacted an attorney in Costa Mesa, CA which is near our Distribution center.

Re: Cease and Desist Demand and Notice of Intent to File Suit

"HunterEx timely advised you of the additional HST but you refused to pay the mandatory tax" Very odd to read that phrase, as in my email above I insisted they shipped and billed me at whatever price they needed to. In fact, I have sent 3 emails instructing them to do just that.

"It is clear from the various emails that there was confusion and no meeting of the minds as to payment of the HST. When it became clear that the dispute could not be resolved, HunterEx tried to work with you and offered to refund your payment. Unfortunately, you were unwilling to cooperate with HunterEx, and have instead been making multiple online posts defaming HunterEx, including but not limited to accusing HunterEx of being “scam artists, ” engaging in trade disparagement and filing complaints with Canadian governmental agencies."

Well this is also untrue, as when the stock was DENIED to me by Hunter Exchange - I said refund my money and sent the wire information to do so.

Saturday I find a post on Howard forums by "someone" with all the information about the Lawyer hired, the reports filed, but when asked who they were, claimed "I am not hunter exchange". Surely.

Then today we received a BBB complaint from John Hunter.

"The client wished to have Phones sent without paying HST tax and refused to accept a refund. Within 3 days of payment received to our cancellation the client started libel acts and threats to staff. This person has been sent a Injunction and Restraining order as well a police report has been made. libel acts: Ryan J. Negri has also purchased domain names to try to extort sales from us. He has stated unless he gets his product or refund he will continue to commit libel acts against the company. HUNTEREXSCAM.COM HUNTEREXCHANGESCAM.COM HUNTEREX.INFO HUNTEREXCHANGEFRAUD.COM CANADAFRAUD.COM CANADASCAM.COM He has also place false claims of fraud to BBB against US. However we have no police reports or previous history of these acts."

Well that's another discrepancy, "The client wished to have Phones sent without paying HST tax and refused to accept a refund." That's so very odd that they can issue a report with these falsifications contained within. I DID offer to pay the HST tax, I DID wish for a refund.

The issue with the tax, the workings of Hunter Exchange couldn't comprehend something. I am not charged HST tax. They are. They want ME to pay THEIR tax. Instead of adding this into the price of the devices, the simply passed the tax on to me. Which is actually against the law. You can not charge an international organization domestic tax to make up for the tax charged by the vendor. Either way, I of course agreed to pay for the stock, any price they needed to see for the stock they "claimed" they had. Which, after reading these numerous lies, I highly doubt the stock was there.

More from Hunter Exchange:

Re: Hunter Exchange, Inc. adv. Ryan J. Negri, NE Distribution, et al.
Dear Mr. Negri:
Pursuant to our email exchange last week, and further communications Tuesday afternoon, we have been in contact with Hunter Exchange, Inc. (“HunterEx”) to address your email of September 17, 2010. HunterEx disagrees on many of the points raised, and provided additional information to relate in good faith to you.
While appreciative of your acknowledgement that there was a mutual miscommunication on payment of the HST tax, HunterEx was actively communicating with you and attempting to work to resolve the problem in September 13, 2010 when your barrage of increasingly hostile emails and negative posts started and then continued without giving HunterEx time to pursue the refund you ultimately requested. Unfortunately, having ordered and received the goods from their third party supplier/distributor, HunterEx was and is not in a position to provide you with an “instant” refund. Your funds were used to pay for the goods you ordered, and in order to get them back after you made your refund demand, HunterEx had to request a refund from its supplier/distributor pursuant to their product return and refund policies, ship the goods back and then wait for the return of the funds that were used to pay for the purchase of the cell phones. HunterEx advised you that it would likely be a four to five day process, but that it was possible it could take longer, which is where the six-eight week time frame was mentioned. As it turns out, HunterEx was advised on Monday by his distributor that they will not be receiving a refund for the phones ordered and has been working since that time to address that issue because of the impact it has on resolving this dispute as well.
It has always been HunterEx’s intention to act responsibly in resolving this dispute. While HunterEx has advised of a strong disagreement with your statement that you agreed to pay the price of the phones plus the HST tax, in order to bring this matter to a prompt conclusion, HunterEx has proposed that if you agree to pay the HST tax and the shipping cost, they will have the cell phones delivered to you without any profit margin and this transaction will be concluded. In the alternative, if they are able to work out the issue with their third party distributor about returning the goods, they will
Hunter Exchange, Inc. adv. Negri, et al.
September 21, 2010
Page 2
issue you a refund while incurring the various related transactional costs, including but not limited to the shipping costs of returning the cell phones to the distributor. In the event, they are able to resolve the refund-return issue with their distributor in part, they will provide you with a partial shipment of the cell phones (i.e., the ones the distributor does not take back) and a partial refund for the portion of the goods the distributor agrees to issue a refund on. Under this scenario, the partial shipment of cell phones would again be sold to you with no markup by HunterEx but you would be responsible for the HST and the cost of shipping the cell phones to you. Under each of these resolutions, you will be receiving full value for what you paid for. .
We have been in contact with HunterEx over the weekend and throughout the beginning of this week as HunterEx has been providing us with updates on the situation with its distributor. We would expect to have more information to pass along to you later this week. HunterEx is not benefitting from, or desirous of any delay, but the refund process in light of the third party involved is not as simple as your emails or posts suggest. We hope to have further information within a day or so, and we are in close contact with HunterEx and receiving nothing but cooperation (and prompt responsiveness) as to the efforts described. We again request and demand that all negative posts and disparagements cease immediately, particularly as HunterEx works to achieve the resolution outlined above, pending which all of HunterEx’s rights and remedies are reserved.

Doesnt seem to be an update of any kind, so I asked for some more information with a date on when I can see my funds or the stock, no reply. But then i get a call from John Hunter on 9/21 at 7pm at my office. He states that he is receiving "death threats" and says that I am "taking this too seriously". I am not being accused of calling in death threats to Hunter Exchange. Amazing as they wouldn't even answer the phone when I did call. And when I asked THEM to call ME, they refused.

Then today, 9/23 I get an email from Jon Hunter from Hunter Exchange with a file. I assume it is a virus so I do not open this file. He states is a recording of a phone call with the supplier of the stock "claiming" that the account in which he was using to process my refund is now "frozen". This SCAM just keeps getting better and better. Here is the correspondence:

FROM [email protected]; on behalf of; Customer Service Rep [[email protected]]
Thu 9/23/2010 2:16 PM

Your such an idiot.

(with the attachment of a .wav file, 3MB in size)

My FWD to his attorney:

From: Negri Electronics [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:23 PM
To: Robert J. Feldhake
Subject: FW: Great Work

Here is the file in which your client sent me. I do not have time to play these games.

My reply to his attorney and John Hunter (or whoever sent this email)


Please advise your client that sending files containing viruses is a serious offence. I will not be clicking on the file which he has sent me. Please alert your client that if there is any more contact that does not contain a solution to this problem, I will be pressing charges and going forward with the legal preceding. I was assuming he was in contact with you and seeking advice, but it seems he is acting on his own nature here.

Please advise him ASAP.

John Hunters reply to me:

Idiot. Its a phone call from the Vice president of BMO telling me your refund has frozen our accounts.
So don't listen. So all the bullshit you posted about HunterEx that we don't have your phones we never placed an order comes to light was a lie.

I as well suggest maybe you should bring this to a legal arena because I have not lied and I have not tried to damage your business. You have on the other hand on an assumption not fact. Within 11 days I was pressured by your blackmailing techniques and extortion methods to do what I knew would damage my business. I still tried to help you by getting back your money. Now it shows my attempts to do such has suspended my account. So is this part of my scam as well? This is a trick to keep your money?
Or I am sending you a virus?

You jumped the gun and because of your initial actions and methods your putting our business in a loss. I dont have to threaten you or try to scare you into anything.

Remember I told you that. I await your legal proceeding.

It seems they want to face the legal system instead of dealing with the person in which he scammed directly. What a great business man. A few more facts to summarize what you read:

1. He took my money
2. did not send the stock
3. has not sent a refund
4. tells me to proceed with the legals

Great guy to do business with. Anyone else thinking about doing business with Hunter Exchange needs to think. What kind of government would give this company a license to become a currency exchange? How many other people are they screwing in the mean time.

I wonder what kind of Car I BOUGHT John Hunter.

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