To say the very least, I am horrified to see that the martial arts school that injured me so severely, while not having liability insurance, is now teaching children this so called "reality based" style of martial art... let me move on to state that they also prey on women's fears for safety. They are also teaching firearms classes to civilians.
I looked up the firearms instructors they are currently using to incorporate into their seminars, and these firearms instructors are currently operating without valid certification, or expired licenses. Now tell, me, is that not illegal or unethical? This is a very irresponsible school, with some very dangerous and irresponsible owners and operator who do not care about the consequences of the dangerous product they are selling- especially enough to purchase adequate insurance to not i only protect themselves, or the CHILDREN they instruct, and as well, the adults they are training.
Any martial arts school that cannot verify to you that they have liability insurance at the time YOU decide you want to sign up, WALK AWAY- I learned the hard way and I am unfortunately still going to be dealing with this the rest of my life.
Any business that does not have liability insurance is an irresponsible and selfish business that doesn't care about the people that they are providing a service to.