November 23, 2008
This website http://istealyourmoney.com is about a business called I STEAL YOUR MONEY ™. My complaint is NOT that this business doesn’t steal any money. This business is a truly ethical business. I STEAL YOUR MONEY explains how all businesses are stealing money from poor, foolish workers. I STEAL YOUR MONEY ™ is a noble cause. My complaint is that not enough people know the truth about the I STEAL YOUR MONEY business. I think the whole world should know about the important truths freely available at http://istealyourmoney.com …The owner of the website says, "I’m a typical businessperson. I’m exactly the same as any other businessperson except I tell the truth. I STEAL YOUR MONEY is the truth. All businesses steal your money. I’m telling the truth about businesses."… but the truth is that the I STEAL MONEY business doesn't actually steal any money. I suppose the business name I STEAL YOUR MONEY is an ironic criticism of the injustice regarding monetary inequality within the capitalist world. I think this I STEAL YOUR MONEY business is great. I am complaining because when I searched Google, regarding I STEAL YOUR MONEY, the website http://istealyourmoney.com did not come top in the search results. I think the owner of I STEAL YOUR MONEY should do more to ensure that when people type I STEAL YOUR MONEY into a search engine the website: http://istealyourmoney.com is top of the search results. I STEAL YOUR MONEY DOT COM is a great site full of intellectual, sensitive, emotional, and quirky information about the horror of our materialistic modern world. It is good to see powerful criticism regarding how rich poeple exploit poor people. It is important to fight back during the financial crisis. While rich people live their easy lives, poor people are struggling - so poor people must be victorious regarding the tragedy of vast monetary imbalance.