The claims made by Mr Wayne Favell (since neither company mentioned has ever done business in Montana!) against I Trixx Inc are both libelous and ludicrous. He should spend more time examining his other failed businesses and bizarre immoral personal life rather than maligning a solid, hardworking group of people who have founded their business philosophy on integrity and professionalism. I personally have an unblemished 25 year record in international business and, as a Chartered Accountant, hold the highest personal standards in all my business transactions. My staff conduct themselves with the utmost dignity and respect.
Thistle Consulting Corp was established as a consulting company to foster and develop new business concepts. I Trixx is a sales, marketing and promotions company. Their corporate structure, ownership, Articles, Primary Business Purpose and activities are very different. Both companies have collaborated on projects and continue to do so with full approval of both Boards and management. Any claims of impropriety are unsubstantiated and absurd. While we at I Trixx promote the right to free speech, providing a platform for wild and blatantly untrue accusations is unprofessional and demeaning to the 30 people who work hard to support the genuine activities of I Trixx. I expect this unsubstantiated “trash talk” to be withdrawn immediately.
Jim Donald
President of ITrixx Inc and Thistle Consulting Corp.