My name is Jessica Maycock, I am currently ordered to pay child support In Idaho. My x-husband and I have been divorded since may of 2004 because he chose to be with my best friend of 13 years . So each time I get behind on support they gang up on me they dont let me talk to the kids or have them when i would like them for family events and so on. Well the last few years i have been extremly ill first I had an emergency C-section and then 24hours later they had to rush me into surgery again and I only had 5 mins else I wouldnt have made it I was bleeding to death internally and externally for the full 24hrs I had to have 4 blood transusions and was very sick and in the hospital for a while so there was one time my support became be hind however I did have dopctors notes sent to Id child support to alert them as to why I wasnt paying, ( I was always paying faithfully and carring full medical nad dental insurance on both kids until this took place) Then I had to recieve chemo and was very sick for a long time and this to the doctor notified them as to why because they was threathning to take my license. They racked up my behind support thousands and with docrors letters and me being unable to work due to medical issues not just plain laziness was really upsetting I already strugggle to live day to day and when I work I dont even bring home enough to survive on because I raise a 20 month old boy alone as well . The only reason Why they other 2 live with there day is because I couldnt afford an attorney and he just recieved a workers comp settlement which he lives on from job to job. I was also depressed losing whom I thought was my b-friend for so long and my jr. high lover all at the same time I am a great mother and no amount of money can ever prove how much I love my kids and its rediculious that I am punished becasue I dont have money to pay . But I do have a big heart full of love for them and I cant even show them because if I dont pay then
I dont get to hardly see them or talk to help .. Someone please help me give me some advice and direction please... Thank you Jessica