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Idea Reviews

Nowisee August 18, 2010
Suffering inconvenience because of them
I had taken the mobile service connection (prepaid ) on 14 dec 2007 no. 9837014667 which was validated subsequently for life time. I have been regularly using the mobile service without any default or penality. I happen to leave for abroad on vacation on 8th Aug. 2009 till the departure my mobile was in service with sufficient prepaid balance of more than Rs.180/- or so approx.

To my utter dismay and shock when I return to India on 18th may 2010 and tried to contact my friends and relatives waiting out side the airport to receive me I didn`t have signals on my mobile. Disappointed I borrowed mobile from my co passenger and happen to convey to my dears and nears. On arrival at my city I tried to contact Idea office to know the fate of my connection and that WHY it has been deprived of service, but from the officer contacted on phone couldn`t give me the satisfactory answer as he said that since you have not used the mobile phone during this period as such it has been disconnected. How a person abroad is suppose to use the Idea Mobile Phone when it does have network or connectivity in foreign countries, Under what authority or terms and conditions they can disconnect the service without notifying to the subscriber/ consumer particularly when he has not caused any default. Going abroad on vacation can invoke such embarrasment and inconveinance in such high tech life/ age.Pl restore my connection with in 15 days otherwise I shall have to go to consumer court and it shall be liable to pay the necessary damages for embarrasment inconveinance and deficient service and disconnection of service without any tangiable reason.or justification.
alokshrma August 13, 2010
claim for lottery
i have a msg
in this msg you have been awarded 500, 000gbp in the uk/shell national lottery. for claim please contact dr. peter via email:[email protected]
Glasgoww August 6, 2010
IDEA customer service really do not feel like working
I got my Idea connection in December. My first bill was due on 16th or 18th of Feb. Due to the odd timings of the night shift at my work it was impossible for me to visit an Idea store that is 8 kilometers away from my home. (The nearest one) I made my payment on 21st of Feb in the afternoon at around 12.15 PM. Just two days before that IDEA deactivated my outgoing messages and GPRS. After paying the bill my outgoing got deactivated at around 3.00 in the afternoon. I called up the CC and they got it activated in 15 minutes. Everything was OK to my knowledge until I tried to access my e-mail. My GPRS was not working. I called up the customer care on 24th afternoon and spoke to two people including one from GPRS desk. They said the services would be activated within two hours the maximum. Didn’t happen!! I called them again and they said it would take MAXIMUM of 4 hours to get it activated. Didn’t happen!! I called them again after more than four hours and again the same thing. It’s more than 4 hours and nothing done yet. When I asked the CC rep to transfer me to his superior he straight away denied it and asked me the reason for talking to him. I urged him for the same again and he kept me on hold for a long time and then says “My supervisor is busy and cannot take the call.” It’s been more than 12 hours since I made the first call to IDEA for my GPRS getting reactivated but in vain. The customer service rep thinks they are the king and not customers. This is the way they talk to their clients. I have lot of work that happens over the e-mail and to my distress I was not able to do it today just because IDEA customer service really didn’t felt like working.

I really want to talk to the Head of Customer Service and if someone could get this across to him it would be great.
EugeneLaw July 9, 2010
Incompetence or Fraud?
Dear Parveen Kazi

How is it possible that you personally stated to me that several copies of my documents are confirmed in the possession of IDEA? That out of the 4 sets of documents submitted to IDEA and checked by IDEA and approved by IDEA at least one complete and fully correct set of documents is in your possession. This was verified by you telephonically and as can be seen lower down in this email dated 1 May 2010. Several discussions took place between us with the assurance that this matter will never arise again. Now YOU are stating that I must do all of this again! YOU the same person who assured me in writing? This is a matter that has been back and forth between IDEA and myself since February of this year!! Please address this matter with the utmost of urgency. 


Eugene ********
Cell India : +91 880558***5


On 08 Jul 2010, at 1:43 PM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:
Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 
Further to your below mail, your concern for restoration of services on your mentioned mobile number has been addressed.
We request you to submit the document at nearest My Idea outlet as follows for further assistance;
Customer Application Form
1 Passport size photo  
Photo id proof         
Address proof
Kindly find attached file of My Idea outlet for your perusal.
We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you.
Thanks & Regards,
Parveen Kazi,
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.
From: Eugene ******** [eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:27 PM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4

CONTACT ME NOW ON  880558***5

On 07 Jul 2010, at 9:37 AM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:
Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 

With reference to your below mentioned e-mail with the subject resubmission of document and our subsequent telecon on 7th July 2010, we wish to affirm that your concerns have been discussed and addressed.

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you.

Thanks & Regards,
Shahin Bagwan
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.
From: Eugene ******** [mailto:eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:52 PM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
number                        :           IZIdea
Message          :           Dear Subsriber, Verification of your Idea number is negative. Kindly resubmit the fresh documents of actual user at Idea outlet to avoid interruption in service.
Date & Time   :           29 June,  12:03
On 29 Jun 2010, at 10:44 PM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:

Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 
Further to your below mail, your concern for resubmission of document on your mentioned mobile number has been addressed.
We would like to inform you that for aforesaid concern provide us details as follows for further assistance-
Sender name
Date and time of message received
Message content

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you. 
Thanks & Regards,
Parveen Kazi,  
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.

From: Eugene ******** [mailto:eugene.********@******.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:16 PM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
Please be advised that we have just once again received an SMS stating that we need to resubmit documents on this number. Please correct this matter ASAP.
Eugene ********
On 05 May 2010, at 1:28 PM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:

Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 
With reference to your below mentioned e-mail with the subject document and our subsequent telecon on ; 5th May 2010 we wish to affirm that all your concerns have been discussed and resolved to your satisfaction.
Kindly be informed that currently the sim card registered under your name Eugene ******** and shall not be issue to other customer as the document received are registered for your mobile number 880558***4.

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you. 
Thanks & Regards,
Parveen Kazi,  
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.

From: Eugene ******** [mailto:eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Sat 5/1/2010 7:04 AM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
If the additional 3x copies is in your possession, I would like it returned to me immediately. There is no reason for IDEA to have 4 copies of documentation of me. I would still like it in writing that IDEA only has 1x mobile number registered in my details. 
Best regards

Eugene ********
Cell India : +91 880558***5

On 01 May 2010, at 6:56 AM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:

Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 
Further to your below mail, We regret for the inconvenience caused.
We would like to inform you that your concern for documents of your mentioned mobile number has been addressed.
Kindly be informed that your document is with Idea.

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you. 
Thanks & Regards,
Parveen Kazi,  
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.

From: Eugene ******** [mailto:eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Thu 4/29/2010 7:05 AM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
Thank you very much for the resolution of this problem regarding the last batch of documents. I am however still concerned as to the whereabouts of the other 3x sets of documents submitted to the IDEA store that have been registered as missing. It is very worrying to think that these official documents of mine may very well have been used to set up other fraudulent accounts. I wish a resolve from IDEA that no other sim cards exist that are linked to my personal details. Please investigate this matter with the utmost of urgency. 
Best regards

Eugene ********
Cell India
  : +91 880558***5

On 27 Apr 2010, at 10:59 AM, IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs wrote:

Dear Mr. ********,
Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services. 
Further to your below mail, we regret to discontent caused.
We would like to inform you as per our telecon conversation on dated 27th April 2010 your concern for document has been addressed and resolved.
Kindly be informed that services has been restored on your account on dated 14th April 2010, However document has been received from Idea.

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you. 
Thanks & Regards,
Parveen Kazi,  
Customer Service Team
IDEA Cellular Limited
Visit us at:
Or Call us on 12345 from your IDEA number for any query or request.
From: eugene.********@******.com [mailto:eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Wed 4/21/2010 6:40 PM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
Please contact me ASAP regarding another notification of documents not received on my number 880558***4. Please contact me on 880558***5

Best regards
Eugene ********
+91 880558 0795

Sent from mobile phone email â€¨â€¨----- Reply message -----
From: "IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 13:29
Subject: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4
To: "Eugene ********" <eugene.********@******.com>

Dear Mr. ********, 

Thank you for contacting Idea Cellular Customer Services.

Further to your below mail, We are trying to call you on your mentioned mobile number unsuccessful.

Kindly provide us your alternate contact number for further assistance.

We greatly value your patronage, and look forward to an opportunity to delight you.

Thanks & Regards, 

Parveen Kazi, 
Customer Service Team

IDEA Cellular Limited

From: Eugene ******** [mailto:eugene.********@******.com]
Sent: Mon 4/19/2010 12:11 AM
To: IDEA Cellular Ltd - Customer Oprs
Subject: Re: Regarding your mobile number 880558***4


Please take note that we have once again submitted copies of Passport, Visa, C-Form & Passport Photo to Idea Store in North Main Road, Koregoan Park, Pune this past week. We have just received an SMS notification that our documents have once again not been received! Please follow up this matter with great urgency with the Idea office as mentioned above to resolve this matter. My documents have now been submitted to Idea head office 4 times already in a period of 2, 5 months. Please contact me on my Idea number as listed below.
suryaasagar June 27, 2010
dear sir 15 days ago my cellphone nokia 6030 had been robbery so plz search
shreedhavale May 7, 2010
without info disconnect
I am idea user from last 7 to 8 years for same no i.e. 9822666496. without any intimation my connection is disconnected 2 times in last 2 months.
thomson p mani April 9, 2010

Vivek KumarSharma March 31, 2010
Handing over private details to 3rd person

I have problem with one of the telecom service providers in idea, that is IDEA, they handed over my phone call history to a 3rd person to whom I dont know, and that person is calling on my few number from public booths, and here is the conversation between me and the company, but now they are not taking it seriously where it is a big issue.

Here is the first mail I wrote

Respected Sir/Madam,

Myself Vivek sharma from patiala is using your number ... for last many years, now on 27 th march someone took the last month detail from any of your showroom and calling on my family and friends numbers from local PCO z and disturbing them a lot.

So first I want to ask you that why your executive given my details to the 3rd person without even calling me if I requested for a phone detailed history or not.

Secondly please let me know from which office it was issued, so that I would take appropriate action.

Third please make it sure in future that no new action or change will be taken on my account without giving a call to my number.

Thank you.

and after one or two phone calls from the company they dint care much about the issue, then I wrote another mail but they dint reply after that.

Respected Sir,

I mailed you about this issue yesterday and got a reply from your side, so thankful to you, But the thing is that we are no way near to solve the issue. I dont want to waste my time to attend meeting with your executives as the person to whom your executive given my details harassing us a lot. So I need immediate step towards the person who given my details.

After your feedback on my email first one of your executive from Chandigarh Suchi ( 9781704009 ) called me at 5.05 evening and told me that you people will find the way within 24 hours, after that I got call from your SDQ post paid Ashish Aggarwal ( 9781704005) at 7.00 evening today and called me for a meeting, he met us on the behalf of another person/executive Amrinder (9855045475) who is responsible for handing over the details to that unknown person. When we asked about the whole thing they told us that they handover the details to the person who has the photocopy of our family ration card without my signature on it and without calling to my this number.

Now I want to ask one thing, if this is written in the company's privacy policy that they will handover my private details to any of the person without even asking me or without checking the proper details of my documents. It is an uncalled invasion onto the privacy of your genuine client. it is against our fundamental rights, that anybody can peep into customers call detail due to the incompetency and inefficiency of your internal control measures, I want a passionate hearing and needful action taken by your company to resolve this issue else I am forced to knock the doors of consumer court.


Vivek Sharma
shivam shukla January 6, 2010
winnning of price of gbp 550000
they have sent sms about winning 550000 pounds in t-world nokia
priyajn December 6, 2009
high charges before the expiry date of voucher
i have gang sim of value voucher's expiry date is 5th january, this voucher i hv charged 10 paisa/min gang to gang before 5pm &after 10 pm, and not charged any daily fix charge, which is 1 yesterday i'v been charged 50p/min gang to gang before 5 pm...plz solve my no. is 9887664042.
thanking u

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