Idearc Media cost me alot of money, lost customers, misrepresented me in print and on my webiste, as well as embarrassing me with no ability to reach out and fidn a solution to the problems that were gross and unending.
My sales lady, Denise Archey Palgeurized contnet from the internet and put it on my website as my own completely misrepresenting me as a near Fraud. She claimed I did the "YUKO" system of which I am not trained on nor certified to use, leaving me wide ipen for a lawsuit from Yuko Co. and blowiong my credibility within my profession. I saved all my copmmunication with her and her company amd can prove she lied to her supervisor trying to put her mistakes on me. No One, not even Ron Bass, her immediate supervisor EVER contacted me to see if the problems were resolved.
It took 10 weeks for them to get my website up, and my mailers went out 5 weeks prior to the site being up which was advertised on the mailer.
Last night someone from Idearc Media went onto my website and left me a nasty message using the contact form, thinking it would be anonymous, I'm sure... The IP number was sent along with the nasty message and I ran a trace route on it and it came back to Idearc Media at 12:18 a.m. She sent it from her work laptop, I am sure. By Idearc refusing to address he gross misconduct and inept service, they have inadvertantly encouraged her to continue forward on her tirade of harassing me.
One of my mailers should have been advertising Japanese Hair STraightening, but, she did not use ANY of myimages I had provided to her with MY models and phtographers, but, instead put Asian women with Tattoos on them on my mailer!! I'm sure she googled those images, too, and they were used without permission. The plageurized content is against the law!! yet, Idearc Media (owned by Verizon; still did not take my concerns seriously and have failed to even send out another mailing complimentary to match the website as was contracted.
Denise Archey needs to be fired for sending me the smut mail, harassing me, and causing me stress. She also used the name of a stylist and his phone number in her bogus message. How can she explain that he was using her company computer at midnight on LAbor Day Weekend???