This is to inform you that, I Mr, Rajesh Manohar Jaisinghani, vide Mobile No-09717540807, presently staying at Delhi had lodged a complain for IFB Microwave - Power Grill model on 11th September 2010 to customer number - 18604255678. It had been assured that the complain will be full filled within 72 hours. But after 72 hrs also the complain was not ful filled. Further with several reminder and the phone the problem was not short out. Till 21st September also there was no solution for the problem. Till date the problem is not sorted out ie 28th September 2010. I felt that since the above said product is out of warranty, so they are not willing to do the same.
My Personal ID in IFB - 2459321
Complain No in IFB - 5087394.
Futher to it, we felt very much same, as so big company, the company is not able to solve the customer problem in 17 days also.