July 4, 2011
Inappropriate Marking and unclear criterias
The MBA program consists of set of assignments with weightages for each module. However there is no clear criterias of what is expected to deliver if you want to achieve distinction level grades. In one of the module, the lecturer told me that he marked me based on his percpetions when I questioned his comments and told me I could get a remark. I sent an email to the program director as I was upset with the way things were moving since the last 3 modules I did. They tried to follow a bell curve for the marking but there is no clear indication on how to be on the top of the curve. I observed that if someone had a supreme managerial post like GM/Director of a company; he or she is more likely to obtain a higher grade even if their assignment was not of a higher quality. Does a higher post in a MBA program deserve higher grades rather than the a quality assignment delivered by someone in middle management? I feel they have been doing this to promote the MBA program as these people are already Managers. To my surprise when i emailed the program director, he was helpless and informed me that assigments gardes were averaged by 33% in each where we all know in the course information booklet provided that all assignment weightage were different.Even there is no mark provided to students and we are awarded a Pass, Credit, Disctintion garde etc...based on the lecturers perceptions of our work. There is no objective marking but rather subjective marking. Really frustrating as a student and alos payi ng huge fees to be treated unprofessionally. Like any other services, we need value for what we pay and education is no exception to a product or service we buy. we expect quality for what we pay.