Be very careful with the "Ikea credit card" always read the small letters and do not make the same mistake I made. They tell you they will give you 0% interest for one certain amount of time (1 year in my case) on your purchases over certain amount. But if you read the small letter you will see 2 things:
1. I know it may sound obvious but the amount on which they'll give you the promotional interest needs to be spent at one time. So if the amount is $500, you will need to make ONE SINGLE purchase TOTALING $500, not 2 or 3 totaling $500 (not even if it's made the same day). If you made this mistake, go and return everything and purchase all together again.
2. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to know about the 0% promotional interest is that you must pay EVERY SINGLE PENNY by the time they tell you (usually between 6 months to 1 year) if you don't do this, once the time expires, THEY WILL CHARGE YOU ALL THE INTEREST THEY HAVEN'T CHARGED YOU SO FAR. This means that even though they are not charging you the interest during the promotional time, this doesn't mean they are not accumulating it every month, and if you don't pay by the expiration date they will, the next day, charge you all that accumulated interest at one time.
The second happened to me. I bought something and enjoyed 0% interest for 1 year. I never missed a payment but the problem was that even though I was close to pay everything off by the expiration date, I was short the last month and could only make the minimum payment, and WAM!!! They dropped on me $172 (at one time) of the 25.99% interest they had been accumulating for the past year.
I can't complain because this was my mistake. I forgot, the day I applied for the credit car, that all institutions are tricky and I just trusted them, because so far, no other credit card had done such thing to me. I DID NOT READ THE SMALL LETTERS, SO NOW I HAVE TO PAY... DON'T FALL FOR THE SAME THING, BE SMARTER!!!