Like many folks I'm out of work right now. I saw this ad on the backpage classifieds that said Get paid in 24 hours! Start working in 15 minutes! and we have 100's of openings. So I went to this website in the ad which is It look like some kind of bookstore and not a regular job website. I don't know what the deal there is, except that they DON'T HAVE ANY JOBS OR OPENINGS!! They just want you to buy these weird e-books about how to start a business. Maybe the books are good.Maybe they suck. But a damn book is NOT A JOB and they have no right saying so and no damn right to say you can get paid in 24 hours by them or anybody.
Also there is NO ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER on the website that I can find. Also they don't take paypal and the name changes to on some pages. That's scammy.
If you want a book on making a business get it for free at the library and don;t pay these clowns anything.
Iloveejobs is a bogus website and probably a big scam too.