This is to inform you all that Richard east, Nick dunin, Susane and Carman all have fled from India without paying salaries, rents and other things to employees and vendors.They have been blacklisted here in India, and police is searching Richard to get him and put behind bars.
Bu they have still not yet stopped their illegal and cheating activities, OMS3 Announces Launch Of Their IM Sigma Productivity Suite, which is again a fraud and marketing gimmick to fool people around world
From Switzerland they are doing this scam, Im sigma Productivity suit is a total scam and fraud activity to trap poor clients again.
OMS3 is a fraud Marketing and scammed, Black listed IT services company, earlier in India and now headquartered in Sion, Switzerland.
IM Sigma Productivity Suite’s primary market is to fool small to medium sized companies, including many or those starting out in business and dupe, money from them,
Trust me, they are real money sucking bastards, and beware of them.