October 8, 2008
cold calls /false claim I signed up with their Co.
This company calling themselves Image Incentives is actually a program of Smart Advertising Solutions that is in the process of changing their name to Image Incentives, claims we signed up for something with their company. The REAL truth is they bought peoples info from a broker list that Cutting Edge Media Inc. / True Wealth Magazine in PA is selling to telemarketers and unscrupulous companies that most people are on the DNC listed phone numbers, work numbers as well as cell phone numbers. Now their claiming that it's not their fault they bought peoples info from a broker list, then why say we signed up for something with your company when we actually didn't? They have cold called hundreds of people with the number 480-588-0703 that their employees leave on DNC listed home phones, work numbers and cell phones going back to 2006 using the business name Image Incentives. Just enter the number on the websearch and you will see several websites that have numerous people being cold called, but their claiming to the Arizona BBB that we're lying about them cold calling because they leave their name/number and suppossed business name Image Incentives. Smart Advertising Solutions has had a postcard fraud with the Arizona Attorney Generals Office and paid $250, 000.00 to clear their name but seems like their back to their old ways by claiming we signed up for info from their company but actually bought peoples info. They also claim that they are a new business, new owners and new employees which is another false statement from their registration with the Secretary of State AZ, but are not registered with the City they operate in, City Hall of Tempe AZ and AZ Attorney Generals Office cannot find any such business name Image Incentives because they just registered with the Sect. of State AZ after using this name for years. They also claim to have O complaints with the Sect. of State AZ and the AZBBB which is true because they just registered and are not on the AZBBB as Image Incentives but as Smart Advertising Solutions so nobody could find them to file complaints. Check out Ripoff Reports under Smart Advertising Solutions / Image Incentives and you will see all the complaints and conflicting responses by a senior account mgr. about who they really are, but says to call them and they will tell you what kind of company they are which is like calling a scam artists and asking if their a scam or not. They are trying to cover their behind by finally putting up a website and changing their name after the fact/complaints coming out, plus they are also using the same address as Smart Advertising Solutions. BEWARE