I authorized Imagine to withdraw a one time payment of $106.38 out of my checking account. They withdrew the said amount twice seven days apart. When I made them aware of their mistake they refused to correct it. When I reported it to the bank Bank of America had Imagine to place the unauthorized payment back into my account along with the $35.00 over draft payment that Imagines mistake created.
Imagine canceled my card because of this. Imagine then sent me a final bill of $108.15 on 9/18/07. I mistakenly over payed Imagine $19.00 more then the final payment of $108.15. Imagine received over the final payment amount on 9/26/07.
On 10/19/07, Imagine fraudulently submitted my account information without my authorization, without a contract, and no proff of me being in debt to them for the $160.00 which Imagine received out of my account.