In November, 2009 received an unsolicited call from Tim Ford (954-914-2454) saying that IMG had a buyer for my Westin timeshare and that the price would be $30, 250. I would have to prepay title search costs of $1827 and as soon as the deed came to them, I would receive a copy and the sale would be completed. The $1, 827 would be repaid to me as part of the closing of the sale. The paperwork was to reach me within 20 to 30 days but that never happened. By the way, Tim Ford said to call him at any time about anything on the sale. He lied. He has never returned even one of my calls for information.
As of 1/19/2010 I have not received any of the documents and I have heard and read many complaints about IMG. First, they use a company called PayPay to process any credit card charge. PayPay processed my charge through an off-shore bank in Copenhagen and I got charged an extra Foreign Transaction Fee by Visa of $54.81. When I called IMG about the charge, they tried to make every excuse about the foreign charge, but would not refund it. They said they would give me a letter that the charge would be added to my original deposit and also refunded at closing. That never happened.
When I called them yesterday, they still did not have the deed paperwork, so I told them they were in default of our agreement and I want them to process a refund. They claimed that the refund would be processed by end of next week. I absolutely do not believe them. At this time, I would suggest that IMG is a complete scam operation that has no buyers at any time and at best, adverises our properties on an internet site. DO NOT TRUST THIS ORGANIZATION!!!