This merchandising company pays on reset projects with the idea of project pay, and makes one work for FREE if one goes over on the hours alloted. Although we are hourly, NOT SALARY, paid employees the company will not pay the employee if the project is NOT completed and will not pay for the time worked that goes over the alloted hours regardless if issues develop that may delay the completion time of the project.
If one does complete a project and the reviewer of the project (the review based on photos taken and submitted of the completed project) deems that it is NOT complete, the field employee has to return to the work site to fix issues unpaid and work for FREE. Usually the return visit issues are petty, like a pricing label is crooked or something of that nature, however the company requires one to drive on their own money back to the site, which can be an hour drive or more, to fix a problem for FREE.
In addition to the previous paragraphs, the company likes to make one work for FREE on his/her own time after work. To get the information needed to complete tasks, a field employee has to constantly check the company email at least 3 times a day to see what is scheduled and what has changed. If one misses a change in the work orders you get scrutinized for NOT checking the company email. On top of that you must go to their website to print off lengthy documents that describe what you have to do to complete a project on your own time and money...for FREE.
Basically this company makes their field employees work for FREE. I understand that many companies are going through hard times in the current economic environment, but working for FREE is unnacceptable.
Thank you for reading and I hope this complaint will help others in the future.