Dear sir Madam,
Subscription Ref: ITE 1764706 and ITH 1765872
I had subscribed for India Today-both English and Hindi editions for 5 years and 2 years respectively, in June,2007 but am not getting the issues except for the one dt Aug 6.
I had been making regular calls on customer care helpline (120)2479900 as also sending mail msgs. I only get to see the courteous replies regretting their non receipt and the plea that your vendor cannot deliver them in our residential complex off Sohna Road, Gurgaon.
Further your subscribed issues appear to be truncted as compared to those available on book stalls/stands. I havn't also not recd the 5 yr subs gift of vacuum cleaner. However, I may state that I am not interested neither in the gift nor the subscription nor the issues since this issue of non receipts will keep cropping up again and again.
So, as requested thru mai msg and being made now again, I make another request that my subscriptions be cancelled and I be refunded full amount of over five thousand rupees thru Pay Order or DD immediately.