Complaint concerning Electronic Air Ticket number:
ETKT 098-5106050009
On May 6, 2011 due to a strike by Indian Airline-Air India pilots, the flight: KTM DEL 060511 IC 0414 10h00 11h25 was not available! It was only much later that the Neplali Airline stepped in to take the stranded travellers from Kathmandu to Dehli. As a result, the connecting flight from Dehli to Paris: DEL CDG 060511 AI 0143 13h10 18h50 left also much later, so that on arriving in Paris I missed my train Paris/Nantes/Batz-Sur-Mer and had to spend an additional hotel night in Paris before travelling on to my home address . The original train ticket, that I had bought in advance, was not reimbursable, so that I had to buy a new ticket for 47, 80 € in addition to the 88 € for a hotel night from May 6, 2011 to May 7, 2011. Please give me a refund for the additional cost of 135, 80 €.
I count on your friendly cooperation, otherwise I might be compelled to be assisted by my lawyer
KONRAD ZELLER, Batz-Sur-Mer, France
Attached please find scanned copies of Electronic Air Ticket, Train Ticket, Hotel bill, My International Bank Account Number