Kind attention :
Additional Directorate General of Army Education
RTI Cell, G-6, D-1 Wing, Sena Bhawan
Integrated Headquarter of MoD (Army)
DHQ PO, New Delhi 110011
Telephone No - 011 23019585
Fax No - 011-23335675
Kindly supply me the following information under right to information act, 2005 :
1. Do you know that the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and rules made out u/s 38 are applicable on Indian Army animals as well ?
2. Indian Army have many animals and these animals are being shifted one place to another through your own vehicles but Cattle transport rules, 1978 amended in 2001 are violated by the concerned officials, do you know ?
3. How many cattle's / animals are being shifted in a vehicle, please let me know the space provided to the animals during shifting and procedure adopted by the concerned officials, Is there any standing instructions to minimize the stress, pain and injury to the animals ?
4. It is confirmed that animals are fixed in overcrowded position along with luggage of the concerned officials and face of the animals are not kept towards Engine side and many more.
5. Sheep's and goats are being shifted for slaughter under Indian Army supply cover, Is there any standing instructions for all concerned including contractor, supplier, slaughter house owners, meat / animal suppliers to comply with the legislation for animals ?.
Being an representative of the International Organization for Animal Protection
- OIPA in India and Chairman, People for Animals Haryana, I offered my tireless services to all concerned to update their knowledge about legislation's - provisions for animals in the interest of public, animals as well.
Naresh Kadyan,
C-38, Rose Apartment, sector - 14,
Rohini, DELHI - 110085.
Mobile - 09813010595, 9313312099
Email - [email protected]