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OIPA in India rep. Naresh Kadyan December 8, 2010
Delete article 51 A (g) of Indian Constitution, if Govt. is failed to implement it - Abhishek Kadyan
To: Hon'ble Mr. Chief Justice S.H.Kapadia (Chief Justice of India), Dr. Anjani Kumar (Animal Welfare Division), Her Excellency Pratibha Devi Singh Patil (The President of India, New Delhi), Dr. Rajesh Gopal (Inspector General of Forests, ), Hon'ble Shri Jairam Ramesh (Union Minister for Environment and Forest), Mr.B.S.Bonal, IFS (Member Secretary, Central Zoo Authority of India, New Delhi), Shri Vijai Sharma (Secretary to the Ministry of Environment and Forest), Shri K.C. Jain (Joint Secretary (Coordination and Public Grievances)), Hon'ble Smt. Meira Kumar (Speaker Lok Sabha), and Hon'ble Sardar Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister of India, New Delhi.)
Subject: Right to Information Act, 2005 : Who recommend who to get birth in Govt. Organizations?
Letter: Greetings, ,

51A. Fundamental duties It shall be the duty of every citizen of India (a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the national Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures;
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement PART V THE UNION CHAPTER I THE EXECUTIVE The President and Vice President

Animal Welfare :

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was enacted in 1960 to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals and to amend the laws relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals. After the enactment of this Act, the Animal Board of India was formed for the promotion of animal welfare.


No.59 of 1960 - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.


S.O. 1995 (E) [27/07/2010] - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Amendment Rules 2010.

S.O.714(E), [26/03/2010] - Animal Birth Control(Dogs) Rules, 2009.

S.O.1818(E), [23/10/2006] - Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision )Amendment Rules, 2006.

S.O.1817(E), [19/10/2006] - Reconstitution of Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals(CPCSEA).

S.O.42(E), [14/01/2006] - Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision )Amendment Rules, 2005.

S.O.1256(E), [24/12/2001] - The Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules, 2001.

S.O.267(E), [26/3/2001] - The Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001.

S.O.35(E), [8/1/2002] - The Performing Animals (Registration) Amendment Rules, 2001.

S.O.271(E), [26/3/2001] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Establishment and Regulation of Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Rules, 2001.

S.O.270(E), [26/3/2001] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001.

S.O.268(E), [26/3/2001] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals on Foot) Rules, 2001.

S.O.134(E), [15/2/2001] - The Breeding of and Experiments on animals (Control and Supervision) Amendment Rules, 2001.

S.O.1074, [15/12/1998] - The Breeding of and Experiments on Animals (Control and Supervision) Rules, 1998.

S.O.732(E), [26/8/1998] - The Experiments on Animals (controls and Supervision) (Amendment) Rules, 1998.

S.O.No.1056, [13/3/1979] - The Prevention of Cruelty (Capture of Animals) Rules, 1972.

No.14-20/76-LD.I, [30/11/1978] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Registration of Cattle Premises) Rules, 1978.

No. 18-6/70-LDI, [23/3/1978] - The Transport of Animals Rules, 1978 .

S.O.269(E), [26/3/2001] - The Transport of Animals (Amendment) Rules, 2001.

No.14-21/76-LD.I, [15/2/1978] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Application of Fines) Rules, 1978.

No.35-4/72-LD.I, [22/5/1973] - The Performing Animals Rules, 1973.

No.9-18/62-LD, [23/3/1965] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Licensing of Farriers) Rules, 1965.

No.9-18/68-LD, [23/3/1965] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Draught and Pack Animals Rules, 1965, amended 1968.


G.S.R.619(E), [14/10/1998] - The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Restricted to Exhibit on Trained as a Performing Animals).

Wildlife :

The Government of India enacted Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 with the objective of effectively protecting the wild life of this country and to control poaching, smuggling and illegal trade in wildlife and its derivatives. The Act was amended in January 2003 and punishment and penalty for offences under the Act have been made more stringent. The Ministry has proposed further amendments in the law by introducing more rigid measures to strengthen the Act. The objective is to provide protection to the listed endangered flora and fauna and ecologically important protected areas.


No. 16 of 2003, [17/1/2003] - The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002

The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, amended 1993.


Draft Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill 2010
Statement of Objects and Reasons
Explanatory Note


Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009. English, Hindi

S.O.1092(E), [22/9/2003] - The National Board for Wild Life Rules, 2003.

S.O.445(E), [18/4/2003] - The Declaration of Wild Life Stock Rules, 2003.

G.S.R.350(E), [18/4/1995] - The Wildlife (Specified Plant Stock Declaration) Central Rules, 1995.

G.S.R.349(E), [18/4/1995] - The Wildlife (Specified Plants - Conditions for Possession by Licensee) Rules, 1995.

G.S.R.348(E), [18/4/1995] - The Wildlife (Protection) Rules, 1995.

Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992.

G.S.R.328(E), [13/4/1983] - The Wildlife (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules, 1983.

G.S.R.29(E), [25/1/1973] - The Wildlife (Stock Declaration) Central Rules, 1973.

G.S.R.198(E), [9/4/1973] - The Wildlife (Transaction and Taxidermy) Rules, 1973.


S.O.2180(E), [4/9/2010] - Amendments to Constitution of the National Board for Wild Life.

S.O.802(E), [16/05/2007] - The National Board for Wild Life Rules, 2007.

S.O.1093(E), [22/9/2003] - Constitution of the National Board for Wild Life.

S.O.1091(E), [22/9/2003] - Coming into force of section 6 of the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002 (16 of 2003).

S.O.446(E), [18/4/2003] - Delegation of Powers of section 58E of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).

S.O.447(E), [18/4/2003] - Delegation of Powers of section 54 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).

S.O.332(E), [28/3/2003] - Coming into force of all the provisions except section 6 of the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002 (16 of 2003).

S.O.1085(E), [30/9/2002] - Amendments to Schedule I and Part II of Schedule II of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).

S.O.1197(E), [5/12/2001] - Amendments to Schedule I and Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).

S.O.665(E), [11/7/2001] - Amendments to Schedule I and Schedule III of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).

S.O.474(E), [28/5/2001] - Additions to Schedule I of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972).


Guidelines for Appointment of Honorary Wildlife Wardens.

Delete article 51 A (g) of Indian Constitution, if Govt. is not serious to implement it honestly
because above said legislation's are meant for animals, where as toothless the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and all rules made out under section 38 are non-cognizable offense in legal terms along with minor punishments and active / result oriented peoples are ignored while constituting Govt. bodies.
Let us pay our kind homage and tribute to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on his death anniversary and be serious to minimize the stress, pain and injury to all living creatures of almighty, equal opportunity should be given to all deserving candidates while nominating people in Govt. Organizations, people should not be allowed for a similar position again and again as you are doing in Animal Welfare Board of India - AWBI and so on.
Right to Information Act, 2005 :
* Who recommend who to get birth in Govt. Organizations, Board and Corporations, detailed information required since 1995 onwards, reasons for nominations along with performance during their tenure and why same persons repeated again and again?
* Is there any proposal to amend above mentioned all legislation's and how much time it will take?
* Camels and Elephants are not included in the rules made out for their transportation either by rail, road, air, ship or on foot.
* Why Elephants are in captivities being an National heritage animal, Is there any proposal to introduce legislation to rescue and rehabilitation, how much time it will take?.
* Notifications are not yet issued to impose ban on peacock feathers trade, smooth working of dog breeders, fish aquarium and owners as well, how much time it will take?.
* How many Infirmaries set up u/s 35 of the PCA Act, 1960 are working in India, SPCA's as well - please provide us complete details about both of them, if not set up yet then what are the reasons behind?
* Let us the know the reasons behind to opt the members in AWBI by pick and choose basis and many peoples gifted with out experience, affiliation to any recognized AWO's, please indicate their contribution towards animal rights and their welfare as well.
* HAWO are also nominated by AWBI, please provide complete list of all HAWO's / Opted members along with their performance since 1995 onwards till date.
* Master Trainer / Trainer / Inspector list update since 1995 onwards till date and how many peoples are blessed with Police powers u/s 34 of the PCA Act, 1960.
* How many FIR's of animal abused are lodged in India / peoples are convicted, debar to be an owner, animals seized since 1995 onwards till date along with present status of pending court cases all over India?.
* Please provide us a complete list of registration No's of all vehicles caught in animal abuse all over India since 1995 onwards till date, First offense, second and so on, whether vehicle driver was booked or owner?
* CPCSEA dropped many nominees and some new peoples are nominated, please supply the list of dropped nominee along with the reasons and reasons for new nominee.
* NIAW - List of people trained, amount spent to set up NIAW since beginning till date, how many Organizations involved to manage NIAW, what facilities are there for animals?
* How many state constituted Animal Welfare Board and Wildlife Advisory Board in their respective area and nominated Hon. Wildlife Wardens?
* Do you considering Naresh Kadyan, Internationally renowned animal rights activist in India, to appoint him Chairman / Vice Chairman to the Animal Welfare Board of India / CPCSEA, nomination to Rajya Sabha - Lok Sabha to recognize his contribution to raise voice for animal rights and their welfare?
* How many nominations received for Padama awards to animal rights activist?
* How much amount has been spent to protect Tigers since 1972 till date, Is there any proposal to speed up trial of wildlife crime offenders?
* What steps you have taken to implement National Cattle Commission Report, 2002 recommendations?
* Section 28 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 allowed animal sacrifice for religion purpose, where as there are so many Supreme Court - High Court verdict to ban animal sacrifice, Is there any proposal to delete this section from the PCA Act, 1960, steps taken to prevent animal sacrifice for religion in India?

Signed By:
Name Location Date
Abhishek Kadyan Delhi, India 12/05/2010
diya sur hyderabad, India 12/05/2010
Naresh Kadyan Rep. OIPA in India Delhi, India 12/05/2010
Laxmi Dass Ex. Chairman, KVIC Delhi, IN 12/05/2010
Sukanya Kadyan Delhi, IN 12/05/2010
Paola Ghidotti Milano, Italy 12/05/2010
Krasimira Buyuklieva Darzeva Stara Zagora, Bulgaria 12/05/2010
Kim Smith Auckland, New Zealand 12/06/2010
Brenda W port colborne, CA 12/06/2010
Darlene Davis Detroit, MI 12/06/2010
Annika Pettersson Boden, NY 12/06/2010
flamencochueca flamencochueca orange, CA 12/06/2010
Dar Woo RDS, NC 12/06/2010
heidi wollum goteborg, Sweden 12/06/2010
Pilgrim G Hertford, United Kingdom 12/06/2010
Judith Abel Basel, Switzerland 12/06/2010
Kate Kenner Jamaica Plain, MA 12/06/2010
Angela Sussdorff Port Kent, NY 12/06/2010
Diana Ferreira Paços de Ferreira, Portugal 12/06/2010
norma laborie SAINT OUEN, France 12/06/2010
Pia Mustonen Tampere, Finland 12/06/2010
Krista Tackett Louisville, MS 12/06/2010
Darren Mitton Rome, GA 12/06/2010
Peter Scott Knox, IN 12/06/2010
*C* . Mosheim, TN 12/06/2010
Cristi Sturgill Mount Vernon, KY 12/06/2010
Ann Cawley Saint Joseph, MO 12/06/2010
Jennifer Bates Chevy Chase, MD 12/06/2010
Nicole Weber Pasadena, MD 12/06/2010
Elisabeth Bechmann St. Pölten, Austria 12/06/2010
Natasha Leite de Moura Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12/06/2010
darius dirzinskas london, United Kingdom 12/06/2010
Saakshi Tanwar Mumbai, India 12/06/2010
Tammy Venterosa Norwood, MA 12/06/2010
Jim Mock Medford, OR 12/06/2010
angela fazzari tucson, AZ 12/06/2010
Jennifer Blan Millsap, TX 12/06/2010
Patrizia Scally Houston, TX 12/06/2010
lisa salazar Foster City, CA 12/06/2010
annie cowling DANBURY, CT 12/06/2010
Chantal Buslot Hasselt, AL 12/06/2010
Theodore Spachidakis piraeus, Greece 12/06/2010
patricia myers ancramdale, NY 12/06/2010
Viv Flegg Calgary, Canada 12/06/2010
Maxi Mock Medford, OR 12/06/2010
Kathleen Basiewicz Dana, NC 12/06/2010
K HelpSaveAnimals Sax., Germany 12/06/2010
Carin Zellerman New york, NY 12/06/2010
Jason J Green Spotsylvania, VA 12/06/2010
Anita Clemmer Jessup, MD 12/06/2010
Magdalena Mazurek Marco Island, FL 12/06/2010
ana maria molina zarzalejo, Spain 12/06/2010
Tom Maxwell Los Angeles, CA 12/06/2010
Jindra Cechova Praha, Czech Republic 12/06/2010
Edward S. Gault Berlin, MA 12/06/2010
Leticia Frutos Asunción, 12/06/2010
Helene Cardinal Wasaga Beach, Canada 12/06/2010
Paulo Sant-Filh New York, NY 12/06/2010
Susannah Kegler San pedro, CA 12/06/2010
Caleb Laieski Phoenix, AZ 12/06/2010
Echo G. Ashland, OH 12/06/2010
james m nordlund Fargo, ND 12/06/2010
Cia Jackson Aurora, CO 12/06/2010
Brinda Davis McCleary, WA 12/06/2010
Hege Marit Hostad Elnesvågen, Norway 12/06/2010
David Mac Kercher Queensbury, NY 12/06/2010
Taryn D Campbellville, Canada 12/06/2010
Theresa Vaccaro Plainfield, NJ 12/06/2010
Angelina Grammatico Clinton twp, MI 12/06/2010
Bryan D. Freehling Lahaska, PA 12/06/2010
Lorri Makela Angel Fire, NM 12/06/2010
Amanda Flood kenner, LA 12/06/2010
marilyn miller la mesa, CA 12/06/2010
Julie van Niekerk South Africa, SD 12/06/2010
Bob Ramczyk Brown Deer, WI 12/06/2010
carol crunkhorn New Zealand, FM 12/07/2010
Iwona Janeczko Warsaw, Poland 12/07/2010
George Martin Loule, Portugal 12/07/2010
Jenny Dooley Sydney Au, Australia 12/07/2010
Rochat Sylvie La Sarraz, Switzerland 12/07/2010
Vijay Somany Rewari, India 12/07/2010
natasha maylin Leeds, United Kingdom 12/07/2010
Ellen Gutfleisch Sussex, WI 12/07/2010
Simone Duffin Australia, Australia 12/07/2010
Kathy Koloze Dallas, TX 12/07/2010
Angie Starling Hickory, NC 12/07/2010
AMANDA BROOKS bellingham, WA 12/07/2010
carlee trent springfield, OH 12/07/2010
Ginger Geronimo Birmingham, AL 12/07/2010
Timmi Sommer Dana Point, CA 12/07/2010
Mike Moore Edinburgh, United Kingdom 12/07/2010
Suni Ibarra Rohnert Park, , CA 12/07/2010
lori weber johnson city, TN 12/07/2010
Mary Truelove Martinsville, IN 12/07/2010

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