Ordered what was supposed to be authentic Gucci handbag. The website shows actual GUCCI photos. When received the bag it was a plastic fake with a fake serial number. I am pretty sure that the Gucci control cards were counterfeit as well. Contacted the merchant at indulgence handbags and he became angry and threatened me saying that I got exactly what I ordered and that it was 100% authentic and that I was not an expert. He claims that his bags are from outlet stores in Italy. The handbag that I received had a hole in it and it was plastic and glued in some spots. He said that if I returned it he would send it back to me. Apparently not even he wants his own junk back! He also added that if I complained online that he would take action against me for deformation of character and slander. That is funny since he is nothing but a scam artist.
I have done some research and found that this company was also known as dluxhandbag.com and another aka on ebay. Both have been shut down. There are many many complaints of other consumers who have experienced exactly the same thing. Do Not Purchase Anything From INDULGENCE HANDBAGS.COM