This is a company of print media...i m working with his company since
march 2011 till June 2011. Three and half months and my total salary
is 49000. where i got only 16.000, and when i ask for my salary he
Managing Director of his company Mr. Madhvendra Singh told me ha "I am
unable o give you he balance so forge hose amount assume i as bad
Is this the correct way to behave with employee and after that they
asked for documents of company then i told them that first clear my
salary...than he told me that i'll take legal action against you.
Today I am in worst condition of my life. What was I get after working
in that company...only problems. I was unable to pay the rent of my
home unable to purchase food and unable to buy a ticket o go back to
my home.
Now you people decide...
Thank you
Rajnish Kumar