This is the most unethical company I have ever known. They are an Information Technology company started by lawyers. They hire the least qualified people they can find and pay them as little as possible. They make these qualified employees sign a contract that says the company has the right to let them go at any time for any reason. It was not a surprise that these employees struggled to support companies that depended on them and lawsuits followed. They lawyers, knowing that they hire incapable employees, rely on hidden clauses in the contracts that clear them of any responsibility.
The atmosphere is comical. Many of the IT professionals are either uneducated or educated in unrelated areas. These same lawyers started totalattorneys. Basically advertise online and sell the so-called leads to real attorneys. Many of the attorneys refuse to pay but some do. Like Infra IT, this company relies on suckers to fund their scam. Please avoid them at all costs.