Innocept Marketing

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Contact Information
12655 North Central Expressway #1025, Dallas, Texas, United States

Phone number: 214-635-3081

Innocept Marketing Reviews

ncognyto1981 October 1, 2010
Account Executive
As an employee of InnoCept Marketing for over a year, I know completely the ins and the outs of the company. I definitely understand that people are naturally distrusting of the unknown or unfamiliar. I have a few things to say on the ways and the whys of how we do things.

First, when we screen for possible candidates, we look for various backgrounds that are related to people/public interaction, possible management experience or direction, and a desire for a career. We do not prey on people in their moments of vulnerability but we are offering opportunity for employment in a time where the unemployment rates are so high.

Second, yes the job is MARKETING and SALES!!! Whoops for the news flash. The things that set our company apart from others are that we provide results for our clients and only represent those who fill a specific NEED for our customers. Meaning, we are visiting businesses offering a service/product that they use ALREADY!!! It would be different if we were selling Cowboys tickets at a daycare, which is too hit and miss.

Third, I apologize for the misrepresentation but alas like I said’s a MARKETING company! We are looking to attract QUALITY individuals! It’s different than McDonalds or Burger King advertising a new sandwich that looks massive on T.V. but is smaller when you order. We are looking for certain traits and qualities.

Fourth, we conduct a 3 part interview process!! This is so the candidate has FULL disclosure before they accept a position!!! We introduce the company, show a day in the life job shadow, and even break down the compensation structure for them in writing!!! I don't know many companies that would be scams doing that BEFORE they offer a position.

This job is not a scam!!! This job is not for everyone. We are a legitimate company that is offering opportunities for others. If we did something to upset you in the past, I apologize, but the slanderous behavior is unwarranted and unappreciated.
ncognyto1981 October 1, 2010
As an employee of InnoCept Marketing for over a year, I know completely the ins and the outs of the company. I definitely understand that people are naturally distrusting of the unknown or unfamiliar. I have a few things to say on the ways and the whys of how we do things.

First, when we screen for possible canidates, we look for various backgrounds that are related to people/public interaction, possible management experience or direction, and a desire for a career. We do not prey on people in their moments of vulnerability but we are offering opportunity for employment in a time where the unemployment rates are so high.

Second, yes the job is MARKETING and SALES!!! Whoops for the news flash. The things that set our company apart from others is that we provide results for our clients and only represent those who fill a specific NEED for our customers. Meaning, we are visiting businesses offering a service/product that they use ALREADY!!! It would be different if we were selling Cowboys tickes at a daycare, that is too hit and miss.

Third, I apologize for the misrepresentation but alas like I said previously...its a MARKETING company! We are looking to attract QUALITY individuals! Its different than McDonalds or Burger King advertising a new sandwich that looks massive on T.V. but is smaller when you order. We are looking for certain traits and qualities.

Fourth, we conduct a 3 part interview process!! This is so the candiate has FULL disclosure before they accept a position!!! We introduce the company, show a day in the life job shadow, and even break down the compensation structure for them in writing!!! I don't know many companies that would be scams doing that BEFORE they offer a postion.

This job is not a scam!!! This job is not for everyone. We are a legitamate company that is offering opportunities for others. If we did something to upset you in the past, I apologize, but the slanderous behavior is unwarranted and unappreciated.
ncognyto1981 October 1, 2010
InnoCept Marketing Inc. was formed in Dallas in response to a demand by Fortune 500 service companies looking for more effective and result driven marketing techniques.
n the Small/Medium-sized business market, we focus our efforts on a face-to-face, DIRECT marketing and sales approach. It is through this that we offer our clients life-long customers, increased brand recognition, and current customer loyalty. We are able to reach 99% of our client’s target market and offer them a 100% return on their investment.

InnoCept Marketing Inc. is looking for those special individuals that want MORE than the typical 9-to-5 job with typical 9-to-5 results but a CAREER! We are also developing people through our Management Development Program! We are thriving on integrity and continual development!
ncognyto1981 October 1, 2010
Company Representation

Self-Motivated, High Energy Team Players looking to Advance into Management


Entry Level- Account Executive


Student Mentality and Great Work ethic


0% Seniority
100% Growth from within
Competitive pay and bonuses
Health Benefits
Travel opportunities
ncognyto1981 October 1, 2010
Account Executive
InnoCept Marketing Inc. was formed in Dallas in response to a demand by Fortune 500 service companies looking for more effective and result driven marketing techniques.

In the Small/Medium-sized business market, we focus our efforts on a face-to-face, DIRECT marketing and sales approach. It is through this that we offer our clients life-long customers, increased brand recognition, and current customer loyalty. We are able to reach 99% of our client’s target market and offer them a 100% return on their investment.

InnoCept Marketing Inc. is looking for those special individuals that want MORE than the typical 9-to-5 job with typical 9-to-5 results but a CAREER! We are also developing people through our Management Development Program! We are thriving on integrity and continual development!
FED-UP! July 22, 2009
Job is a scam
I posted my resume on Career of course when I did that, I knew I would get scam jobs emailing me. I didn't however know I would get such a pushy one from this company. THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM! They tell you that you're going to be a junior account manager, and you will have your own location with in one year, and you end up going door to door selling stuff, not getting paid, not getting promoted, and it is not a marketing job like they say, it is a cold calling, pushy, sales person job.

When I recieved this email from Amanda Stewart in the "HR department":

Dear Katie,
Our hiring managers have reviewed your resume, and they are interested in possibly scheduling an interview with you to discuss your qualifications. Based on your experience and education, our hiring managers are interested in meeting with you one on one about our Junior Account Manager position.
We are currently hiring for this position so please call 214-635-3081 as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.
The hiring managers will go over the day-to-day responsibilities of the position during the interview, but for any general information about the company prior to please visit our web site at .
We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Amanda Stewart

I googled the company, looked on (they don't exist there btw) and found exactly what I was looking for, and what I suspected. They were a scam. I replied to the email, no thanks. They continued to harass me and tell me "IT WAS MY LST CHANCE FOR A JOB" so I finally got annyoed enough that I got ugly. I sent her an email back thinking maybe I did not make myself clear enough in the first place. Here is the email I sent to her:

well Amanda, I have told you multiple times I am not interested. And maybe if I am not answering your calls or returning your messages, you would think you would take the hint and realize i'm not interested in your scam of a job. NO I DON'T WANT AN INTERVIEW WITH YOU! COMPANIES LIKE YOURS ARE A WASTE OF TIME!
Thanks and have a great day,

Then this is where it gets REALLY good. I get an email back! (seriously, she is that thick headed that she cannot just take no for an answer) and here is the email chain that happened after.


I’m sorry if you are having a bad day, but there is no reason to be rude. You applied to our company, so we were extending an offer to come in. I’m sorry that you feel that we are a waste of time, however, you did think of us enough to take the time to go to our website and submit a resume, as well as on career builder on 2 different occasions. We have only spoke to you once, and that was back in march, when you scheduled an interview, but then said you could not come down b/c of school. So when you applied again, this time with a Dallas number, we thought that you had finally made the move, and wanted to invite you back. You would think that not answering would mean you are not interested, but that is very far from the truth. In today’s society, people are very hesitant to pick up the phone, and respond so much better by e-mail (I have been guilty of it as well), so when we send out a final invitation, people respond well to that. Again, I am sorry that you feel the company is a waist of your time, but there is no reason to be rude, YOU DID APPLY TO US 2 TIMES. And the 50+ people that are employed with us also don’t think it is a waist of there time either.

Thank you,

I have not applied to your company. You have been continuing to harass me after I have already told you no thanks. I am not having a bad day, I just don't like emails in my in inbox after i have told you SEVERAL times to STOP EMAILING ME! you guys got my resume off career builder, I did not submit it to you. There is a difference. And your company is a scam. You send people out to sell crap to people door to door and solicit. (and might I add you market this job as a marketing position, not a door to door sales person pyramid scheme thing that you are) You tell people they can make ungodly amounts of money with no experience required. Anyone who believes that you can make the kind of money you claim people to be able to make, with out working very hard to get it are also idiots. So if you have 50+ people working for your company, believing if they go door to door and business to business to sell crap that they can make 5 grand a year, no wonder they are still around with a scam company, they must not be very bright. OBVIOUSLY in order to get you to stop emailing me I had to be rude, because my previous NICE emails didn't get through to you. (I then sent a copy of the first couple of emails where i told her no thanks and she continued to email me)

This response was over a month ago! you mean to tell me that you have been hiring for this position now for a couple months and have been unable to fill it? LET ME GUESS, your "junior account manager" position is exactly what I described it as. And you do group interviews and then when people actually show up for your scam you call them and say "congratulations you made it to the next stage in our interviewing process" and try to make people think that they are getting some great job in the marketing world (WITH NO MARKETING EXPERIENCE). I have been to one of these interviews before, it didn't take me long sitting in the waiting room with 10 other people that showed up that day, going in for interviews two at a time, to figure out this is a joke... just like your company. Your company does not exist on the Better Business Bureau, THERE IS A BIG RED FLAG, google your company Amanda, see what shows up! Here is just a RANDOM list of what shows up when you google the name of your company:
(when you google the company things about how much of a scam it is pops up and how this is a joke, so I sent her copies of a couple of those)

REALLY AMANDA, if you actually believe the crap you write, you're an idiot. If you have just been trained really well on how to be a robot, then WAKE UP- go get a real job with a real company and stop harassing unsuspecting victims of the crappy economy.


Kayti, again I am sorry you feel that way, clearly direct marketing is not for you. However, I have been doing it for 6+ years, and have made more than a living doing so, in the field, and office. Because you don’t feel you can do it, as well as idiot that don’t want to work (I know the guy that wrote that, he did not get paid b/s he did not work, called in all the time, and did half ass work when he was here), there is no need to talk bad about something, or someone. You have not even been here, yet you judge…. That seems ignorant to me.

And FYI the economy is not crappy, the unemployment rate in dallas is higher than it was 10 years ago.

You really should get a job, and find something better to do with your time besides e-mail employers that you have applied to, saying you didn't... again, I have proof, do you?

THE ECONOMY IS CRAPPY! the unemployment rate is not good- the housing market hit an ALL TIME LOW- do you live in a bubble?! SERIOUSLY?!
You're not going to convince me that this is not a scam. This is not direct marketing- IT IS DOOR TO DOOR SALES! stop trying to market your job position as something it isn't! If you want to work for a company that sells crap door to door, that's fine- but MARKET YOURSELF AS SUCH! Don't market your self as some great career opprotunity when WE ALL KNOW IT IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SIMPLE, DOOR TO DOOR, PUSHY, COLD CALLING, SALES PERSON! MARKET THE JOB AS SUCH!

Further more, good grammar goes very well when trying to convince someone that you are a legitimate company
as idiot that don’t want to work
I think the word you were looking for here was didn't, you missed "JUST" at the begining of the sentence and the word "AN" in front of the word Idiot; that sentence did not make much sense. Not to mention, cussing from a company email- SO NOT PROFESSIONAL!!!
(Might I point out, BY THE WAY, I did not say I could not do the job, I am just not willing to sell crap and market myself as an account manager in a marketing department. I said NO THANKS... and you continued to harass me... let's keep things straight here).
Highschool English Amanda- never start a sentence with because.
You have a WONDERFUL rest of the day! Good luck trying to convince people you're not a scam- I feel for those poor people that waste their time on your company.

Amanda Stewart then sent me "my information" that I sent to her. It was a completely different person. She emailed me personal, confidentail information about someone that is not me. I think there is something wrong with that. here is the email she sent me:

The economy is fine, the last 10 years, it has been exceptional, and so know that it is going back to normal, people are freaking out, if you read the paper, or any business magazine (forbes, times ect…) then you would know that. And, as a person, representing a company, it would not be smart to say we do not do door to door sales, if me indeed did door to door sales… b/c if you were to have it in writing, you could sue for false advertizing. But you would not know what we do, b/c you are just like the rest of the heard, following along what others say. And yes, it is a great opportunity, as a entry level rep, are employees make 30 to 45 thousand a year, and on average, in 2 years, running your own marketing firm.
And, if we were not a legitimate firm, why do you think big companies (fortune 500 companies) out source there marketing to us, and in some cases only us? And if you did research on illegitimate companies, you would know that most do not stay open longer than 6 months, b/c they are shut down. And, as for the way I type, that was just for you to understand, I wanted to slow things down for you.

The following individual has requested more information about your company via the web form.
Source: Internet
Position: Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations
Salary: $35, 000 to $50, 000
Experience: 0 to 2 Years
Resume: ********...

Name: ***** *******

UserTel: ***-***-****

UserEmail: ******
ContactAsap: Yes
And, here is proof that you went to OUR WEBSITE, and filled out an online application after seeing out add. And. Hmmmm it says that you wanted to be contacted ASAP, that seems odd to me that you are making such a big fuss about us contacting you afterwards.

I do hope you post this…. It will be very entertaining to read how someone that never even came into an interview, and applied for the position, thinks we are a door to door direct marketing firm, again WITHOUT TALKING TO ANYONE. You must be a psychic though, I get it!!!

I have chosen NOT to post the rest of the email Amanda Stewart with Innocept Marketing sent me, as to protect the identity of the unknowing person she is claiming to "be me"

I got tired of going back and forth with her at this point because she REALLY started to not make sense. I never applied to this company. In fact, I really just want them to leave me alone and stop marketing their company as something it is MOST DEF. NOT!

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