I just noticed they were stealing from my PayPal debit card. I submitted a ticket with them on every charge and through the fraud report on PayPal that reads:
Last September I used a company called Intellus to get an address of an old friend. They gave my PayPal debit card info to a company called Valuemax. I did not sign up for any Valuemax and I did not notice until just now in December they have been leeching 19.95 a month from my account. In my opinion it’s a pyramid scheme and it has been noted on several sites such as http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/value-max-c12625.html#comments I contacted them this month after noticing the charges and they said the account would be closed and my money refunded but I have not seen it yet. They claim I signed up with them and I had 5 days to call them on the phone and cancel the subscription. I never heard of Valuemax until they decided to steal from me.