My husband and I moved here, for job transfer, we have many medical health issues, we were told to find internal medicine doctor asp, so we called and called, no one was accepting new patients, this started apr. 10th, 2008 it is now june 19th 2008, we had been accepted by a fnp-c, carol oliver, fnp-c, we, my husband garry and I had appt for, june, 19th 2008, my husbands at 8:30 am, mine 9:30 am, we have one car, he went to he's appt at 8:20am, they said to fill out these papers for medical reasons and that the fn-c would see him at 9:00am, so he said in that case I will go get my wife, and be right back, they said fine, we came back at 3 minutes to 9am, and they said that my husband could not be seen, because he missed he's appt??? We were there, before 9am, he said fine stormed out, and I asked if he could take my appt. since he's health is worse than mine, they had to ask, they came back, said yes, so I went out to get my husband, he was upset, but went in, I took my little 20 lb dog out of my car, went to back of medical center, were it was safe and in the bushy area, he played ball, with me, than as I was leaving a man was walking to the medical center, I said hello, than asked if he was a doctor, he said yes, I asked if it was there policy to refuse someone's appt. even though they are on time? He asked me why? I told him the reception refused my husband appt. he than said, I will look into it, as I went back to the medical center, they had had my husband in a room, for vitals, they told me they did not know where he was, I said are you sure??? They said yes, he is not here, I than said than where is he??? As a nurse came out of the doctor's door, I asked her, she said, oh yes, he's in here, there is no communication, with this staff, I asked if I could go be with him, she said fine, than, we were told it would be an hour before he will be seen??? we sat in the examine room for 45 min. the fnp-c carol oliver, came in and started to tell us, we were wrong, for complaining to there staff about the appt. She insisted that all her patients, had to have vitals done on the second, than make you wait 45 min. to be seen, she was rude, and said that one of us accused, one of the doctor's outside, that is a very slandering word, to ask a question, is not an attack, health care ethic's give the paying patients rights, we are the one's that are sick!!! We are the one's that should be helped, to ask a question, than be treated like that is very hurtful, and than she said, this is not going to work out, she asked us to leave. I have never in my 60 years been treated so rudely, she is not someone I would want people to have as a medical assistant, she has no ethic's.
Charlotte sturcke.