I recieved a marketing call from Union Telecom in April 2008 and offered 2.9 cents/minute from Canada to Pakistan, I visited their website immediately and confirm the rates and sign up for the services. When I got my first bill in May 08, the company charged me @ 13 cents/minutes. I called them and ask for the correction and refund of the over charged amount. When the Co. refuse to refund I asked for the closure of my account in June. Dispite the closure request the Co. kept deducting from my credit card untill August. I went to the Small Claims Court Brampton Ontario. The Co. disregard the court service. The court decided in my favor and asked the Co. to pay me a sum which includes the court fees and other charges occured. In response the Co. refund to my credit card less than a $100. The Co. is tatally ignoring the consumer rights as wel as court orders.
I know few other victoms of this Co. i.e. Union Telecom.