The following individuals represent a company known as (IFT) International Finance & Trust (Julie Holden, Bryan Smith, Steve Benders, and Kurt Hamilton) and are involved in a financial investment scam where they convince you to let them invest $50K of your money or more in an investment that will pay handsome returns.
They will tell you that contractually your funds are insured and safe and also if the investment does not preform in a short period of time and you can request your principal back they will return your investment.
This is a scam and they will not return your investment. We have been trying to get our principal back since 11/30/09 and they will give you every excuse for the delay but will not be able to verify any wire transfers.
Do not do business with these people as they will probably appear under a new company and if you are a victom of the (IFT) scam I am referring to contact us as we are pursuing them through legal recourses.