NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do business with this company. They don't care about you, they only care about taking your money and then when they get caught, they try to blame YOU for their shoddy business practices. Thank God I kept good records, i.e., certified return receipt notices, copies of all correspondence to them and bank records. The owner signs his name to cash your check and guess what?
The payment is not made to your financial institution. Talk about FRAUD! They will use your money for everything but the intended purpose, then when the bank reposesses your property, they try to blame YOU for it. They ruined my credit with the late payments they made to the bank, and now the bank has reposessed the property. Don't think this company will treat you w/dignity or respect. The person who bought my motorhome was a cancer patient who was using this as her home so she could receive treatments at a hospital out of state. They took her $14, 000, her monthly payments to them and didn't make the payments. As of July 2nd my bank hadn't rec'd. a payment in 88 days, even though they had the money. Month after month my statements showed that they were not making the payments. Their contract states that payments be sent to Great Oaks Asset Management, who is suppose to forward your payments, and to add injury to insult, I was paying them their contract fee of $100 per month to manage this account. The only good thing that came out of this situation is that I have met a fine wife and husband whom I am sure I will stay friends with for a long time. I am a widow, and as desperate as I thought my situation was, I regret the day I ever signed a contract with these people. Heed the comments on these boards and then ask yourself if you really want to be associated with a company who has no values and preys on people in need!