It's been over 8 Months, and International Marine & Great Ocks was sent a Letter from My Attorney Robert
Robbins PA, Attorney at Law, from Miami Requesting that they repay all the funds that were stolen from
my account that added to $1, 512.76, and also they casused NSF on my account adding over $2, 900.00
that just added up to $4, 412.76, They also Sold my old Boat, That was no problem, but I traded in my 2007
SeeDoo Jet boat, so that I can purchase a 21Foot Trophy Open Fisherman, The owner called me and told me
that Chuck, and International Marine was not paying the Boat, and he needed it back, so in return I made the
deal with Michael, and paid the Boat on my own, which until this present time, is working great, Chuck and
International Marine, with Great Ocks Management needs to pay me back the amount of $4, 412.76 that the proof was sent to them, and also return back my Seedoo, and Tital without delay, because they Defaulted on the Contract, and I had to resolve it with the owner, International Marine & Auto, and Greatocks Management
cased Fraud, Theft, and Lies, and they do not answer Attorney Letters, Attorney Faxes, and phone Calls. They
need to pay, and they should be in jail, I have been with them for over 3.5 years prior, and everything was fine until this issue came up, I demand Payment, and return of my property, I will contact the State Attornies office
in thier state, and file criminal, & Fraud Charges, and request that they be closed down before this happens again. I think 8 Mionths is long enough for them to answer up, but as you can see & read, they just don't care.
I demand action be taken with out delay, Know I'm pist off!!!.