Chuck and Nathan and Great Oaks Asset Management are stealing your money!! BEWARE!! THEY ARE FRAUDS!!! Do not do business with them. They lie, cheat, steal and do it with a smile. But guess what Chucky Boy? He who laughs first, laughs last!! There is a big surprise coming for you soon from us!! And we WILL be there to get it on film...with quite a few others'. Again, people, don't do business with them. If you have any questions, you can contact anyone on these postings!! The torrid stories are all the same and they all point directly to FRAUD!! FRAUD!! FRAUD!! See you soon, Chuck!! Lets see you get outta this one!!
Dale and Kathy
[email protected]
Oh, yeah, Chuck, your attempt to get our posts off of this website failed!!! More failure to come for you!! Can't wait!
Another thing everyone. Chuck tends to change the name of his company. All you have to do is call your bank and they can pull the address and they will most likely tell you also that there are about 39 different "business or companies" ran out of our Chucky Boys address!! He also is in charge of Great Oaks Asset Management!! That is the reason the money NEVER makes it there!! The desks are right next ot each other! GAME ON, CHUCKY BOY!!