The company address is Suite 1770, 511 E San Ysidro, Blvd., San Ysidro, CA, 92173. Complaint lodger Diana wanted this.
On May 15 I used my Visa card to call the hotel in Madrid, Spain, for directions to their shuttle service. It was about 6 blocks away; the call lasted about 1 minute. The charge is $26.28 plus a $.95 verification charge to make sure my card was valid. At no time did they discuss any charges. I was expecting perhaps $5 because it was an operator assisted call.
I'm going to send the company a letter of complaint. What about a small claims court class action? Anyone with me? My proof is my credit card statement. This charge is so rediculous that the Bank of America fraud dept. thought that the $26.28 charge was a trial posting to see if the card was good.
This is unbelievable.