This company uses the sale of an inexpensive product to get your credit card number. When you order the inexpensive product, they automatically sign you up for a vague accelerated language program with some small text hidden below the button used to submit your order. The text below the submit button is designed to make you think it is about free shipping, but it also contains some even smaller, fainter text that signs you up for an unexplained program by default.
The unexplained program turns out to be a subscription to have more and more language CD's shipped to you every month for $236.00. When you try to return the product and opt out of the "free trial" you never knowingly signed up for, they create various problems and excuses to try to keep charging your credit card as long as they can.
When I explained the situation to my bank, they canceled my old credit card and issued a new one. However, once the scammers attempts to charge your old credit card are declined, they immediately threaten to turn your account over to a collection agency. The BBB has given them a grade of "F" for these practices and revoked their former affiliation. The whole thing is just an elaborate scam to ship language CD's to people that they did not order, and then try very hard to pressure those people into paying for them once they have been shipped.