People whether the intentions of IFI are good or bad, I can tell you from my own experience this company will NOT deliver on its promises. You will end up losing your home and worst they will take your money and not refund you, unless you take them to small claims court. If you are still clinging to hope this company will save your home, I urge you to call their office (858) 777-9571 and inquire as if you recently submitted the initial HOMR packet. I guarantee you will not get a call back. You should also review their website at . Once you’ve registered, the site provides no information whatsoever. Makes one wonder why there website requires you to create an account to provide you with absolutely no information. Please I urge you to rethink your options concerning your home loan and not put yourself in a position to be victimized by IFI, just as I was.
I recommend for those looking for assistance or those who have been a victim of IFI visit the State of California Attorney General website, . We the people need to take a stand against companies like IFI and file a complaint, the more of us who take action, the likely we can put Mike Monaco out of business or at the least stop his business in Real Estate transactions.
These links will take you to you different articles written by local the news paper or news media concerning the business practices of IFI. Note: download and read the State order against Investors Finance Inc. The link is located under Heather Molinari’s picture. .
My intention here is to share viable information with you people so that you can make an informed decision concerning IFI.