Two years ago I had joined for my web site hosting needs . I paid for two years in advance to get the lower price price and that included domain name registration. shut down my website after only one years service. I called, I sent numerous e mails to put that website back on.
They only replied once saying they tried to charge my credit card and it was declined. I responded that I paid in full for two years so why are they even trying to charge my card? They still would not put my website on, so I had no choice but to write and call my credit card company and send a printed receipt that I was paid for two years with domain name registration renewals for both years. My credit card co. got my one years money back for the one year shut my site off for. Then that finally got ipowers attention. I received a phone call saying they will put it back on with two months free and to authorize my card to pay again BUT IPOWERWEB.COM told me to pay for a chargeback fee of $35. I said I am not paying because they shut my site down for nearly a month and no one there would listen to me until I got my 2nd years money back. I went to vizaweb and after I got my money back so I could get my website back on . Then I find out has my DOMAIN NAME locked. I wrote complaint letters to ICANN and BBB and somehow my site got back on . Now IPOWERWEB.COM is doing this agin to me. The registration was due for renewal and I thought Vizaweb had control but no, IPOWERWEB.COM has it locked again. I called to renew registration and they are telling me to pay that $35 chargeback fee plus 2 years web services fees. I am going thru this nightmare with IPOWERWEB.COM all over again. I picked the name for my sons karate site, now they have control over it.