There was a post for a cute Persian kitten for free home adoption, this was in Co. Kildare, I believe in that, and send a mail (the only way to contact this person) where I explained my interest in that lovely kitten, “she” answered to me, and said that will send the cat buy a pet transport, and I only need to pay this fee. This company works with western union payment…I called them because I never used this kind of payment before, and the man was very kind and explain everything. Even knowing that this company that I need to pay was situated in Camaroon, I went to the post yesterday morning and €80 fee + 13.80€ charge. Came home and call him again, he told me that I need to wait till 5o’clock and the cat will be here.
Well at that time I call him again, and he told me that I need to send a mail to another company, because something was happen, and was better I write a e-mail by myself.
I did that. This new company answer me and told that everything the other company was a fraud, even the lady owner of the cat was a fraud, but they are in charge now, and they have the cat so it will be in my house today.
They give me a new mail (from the “real” owner they said) and a new number to call to this person (but this number is for outside of Ireland…)
Well today they send me a new mail and told me that they need a fee of 200€ to the pet insurance, so they can delivery him to me… I answer that I only pay that money in cash, when the cat arrives to my home, or I can pick up the cat in Dublin airport by myself. Till now I’m waiting for the answer.
I have all the mails if you need more something. I know that the first fee that I paid it’s gone…but maybe I can help someone don’t do the same.