I "was" installer for Ironwood CA Hesperia in 2007, I aggree with both sides! People dont pay rent or own houses so installers can screw them up! Ive had supervisers tell me to install a dish on a house a certin way that i didnt know how, and told me to try anyway!! I asked if any supervisor could come out and show me but they replied that they where busy! so i was pulled from the job, "made no money" I was at another house that needed to do a wall fish, i have never done one asked a superviser to come same thing he was too busy. Alot of installers dont know what they are doing! they all learn by being in the field as they go!!! and are paid crap and some of it a even done free!!! i was getting paid 14 bucks for a service call...not bad if you can figure it out in 1 hour thats 14 bucks an hour... if it takes you 2 hours 7.00 and then 3 hours...well you get it. I cant say ive never messed up but i can say ive done alot of great installs but they took me forever to do witch means i lost money for doing the right thing! The supervisors didnt like me either so they gave me shitty routes!! unless you are there friend!!! we where paid shit!!! im so glad im out of the business!! there is so much i could tell you all!!! I GOT TIRED OF NOT BEING TREATED FAIR I STARTED TO SEE ABOUT MAKING THE IRONWOOD IN HESPERIA CA A UNION AND THAT JUST HELP ME GET FIRED!!! IF INSTALLERS GOT PAID BY THE HOUR THERE WOULD BE GREAT INSTALLS. NEED TO HEAR MORE E MAIL ME AT
[email protected]... IRONWOOD SUCKS!!! they have also been sued before they where once called mountian sattlite before bing sued!!!