About one year ago I was employed at Island Dance Inc. I was the 'Director of gymnastics' for over one year there. I was brought on because the former Director of Gymnastics wanted some ownership in the gym as She was the sole person doing everything related to that part of Island Dance Inc. The owners, Sharla and Charlene didn't want that to happen so they got rid of her and hired me. Sure I was fine with it, I got a job and was doing what I loved.
As the months treked on, I began to see why there was a falling out between them. I was sent on several errands related to the business, one was to see the website people and upon my return to Island Dance Inc. I asked Charlene if they were paying for my time there as the website lady was wondering who was paying for her time... I was tolled I wasn't getting paid because I'm the director of gymnastics and doing things like that was part of my job. Not so true if you ask my opinion. I was hired on as an hourly employee with the title of Director. No where in a contract nor was it verbally stated that I am to do free PR for the gym. I was an hourly employee and should be paid as such.
Then there was Kristi, the gym assistant who never showed up for training. I know Kristi Harrop still teaches at the gym, and I hear she is great at teaching kids how to skip... She just doesn't know how to teach gymnastics.
When my time there was coming to an end, I notified Sharla and Charlene that I was going to be departing. I stayed on for two weeks as I showed Craig (the new Director of Gymnastics) my replacement, whats what and all that good stuff. I was respectful and did my duty staying on until they had a decent replacement.
A few weeks after I left, I asked for a letter of recommendation. I never got it or a return call. I would like everyone to know there is good reason for why several talented former employee's of Island Dance Inc. left. I would say in my situation, I left because I felt taken advantage of and trying to get with the gym assistant to train her was not happening for whatever reason and the Owners didn't care. They only cared about the bottom line, which is Money!
Speaking of Money, this brings me to the Whidbey Island Dance Theatre. They are a non-for profit out fit located right next door to Island Dance Inc, a for profit business. They put on a play called the NutCracker every year, and through WIDT. WIDT has kids and parents pay to be apart of it. While it may be a non-profit, 90% if all teachers at Island Dance are paid to teach the kids the nutCracker. WIDT rents out Island Dance Inc. room space. What I'm trying to say is WIDT basically exists to fund Island Dance Inc. throughout the year visa-v the NutCracker. It's all garbage.
I'm done venting. Thank you for reading my speal.