June 28, 2011
I don't know how they sleep at night abusing the law with 'loop-holes'
When hired by these scam artists I was made to sign a 'sign on bonus clause'. It stated that after 30 days of employment I would recieve a $1, 200.00 bonus consisting of $300.00 cash, a cruise valued at $600.00, and $300.00 worth of training. After signing the required documents (1099, sign on bonus clause, non-compete, etc), we were ushered into the 'phone room', where we listened to a sales rep for approx. 1 1/2 hours, then were told to get on the phones and sell on- line yellow page ads. Needless to say, I was worried about their tactics. After 6 days of 6 1/2 hour shifts, I decided that this place was not for me. I called and quit. According to the documents I signed my pay would be reduced from $8.50 an hour to minimum wage, but I accepted that. They informed me that my pay check would be mailed. 6 days later and no paycheck. I called to see what the problem was and was told that $300.00 worth of 'training' was deducted from my pay, leaving me NOTHING. According to them I breached the contract I signed (sign on bonus) when I quit. I contend that THEY breached the contract when they did not provide training. They hire you as an independent contractor, but according to the IRS, you are not. So, I have turned them into the IRS, hired a lawyer, and plan to sue, not for money, but for principle. I, unlike most of their employees, did not need to work. I was a bored housewife that has the money to make their lives miserable, and I plan to do just that. Never should somebody work a total of 39 hours and not be paid. Captain Dave and his Cohorts (Jennifer Ferguson) are scammers and need to be shut down. Quite frankly, I don't know how they sleep at night abusing the law with 'loop-holes'.