I just received a second charge on my credit card for $29.95 just six(6) days after the initial charge for a one month membership on ItTakes2.com. Obviously, their billing behavior is fraudulent.
Speaking of fraud, I believe the site is a complete scam. I'd been a member previously for a six month period, and thought that maybe it was just weird behavior by other members. After examining things more closely, I found that message replies from other members are completely random and have no relevance to the message sent. Additionally, the site is chock-full of scam artists wanting you to contact them at another email address.
Apparently they have no regard to operating their "business" in an ethical manner. I think they should be shut down and forced to pay back every membership fee ever stolen from us trusting patrons.
FYI, their business address is:
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #7304
Houston, TX 77043