They advertise Basic 6 Bag Set $10 + $6.95 S&H, Includes FREE Organizer, just pay separate S&H $6.95. I ordered two sets and one free organizer. The S$H should have been $20.85. During the process of checking out I was never given the chance to review my order and approve the final order. Instead they force you to go through various pages of offers before telling you exactly how much they charged you. The S&H came out to $42! My total order was $62.
Before making a purchase I went to their "Shipping Information" page, and nowhere in it does it say that Puerto Rico residents should pay more.
I went back to the website to cancel my order but there's no way to contact them via e-mail or webform. I called their toll-free number, but they are closed on Sundays.
I continued researching their website, and went back to their order webform. Below the "Proces Order" button and in fine print it said that "Orders being shipped outside the Continental US will include additional shipping fees of $21.00 for main offer and 8.95 for each additional set." I admit that I did not read this before clicking on it, but the information wasn't visible in my browser window, nor would I have expected to find such important information past a checkout button. Even if I had seen this, the S&H should have been $38.90- still an outrageous difference from what they say at the top of their form and they should give their customers the opportunity to review their order and charges.