Andrews University Michigan has neglected its dorms. Burman Hall the last dorms that was built was built in 1981.
Andrews has 3 dorms Lamson for the women and Meier Hall for the men and Burman. Lamson was built in the 40 almost 70 years ago and Meier hall was built around 1964 almost 40 years ago. The university enrollment hasn't gone anywhere. In other words it hovers around 3000 students.
1) Meier hall is an architectural disaster (Worthy of "Architectural Disasters Digest") that is poorly designed and difficult to renovate. Other Universities
realize that a really good dorm really draws students. There is a trend sweeping Universities concerning the modern apartment style dorms which Berrien Springs is about 40 years out of step with.
AAA) A really bad dorm will create a bad reputation for a University by lowering enrollment standards after all who wants to live in squaller. A lot of the graduate students didn't stay in the Mens dorms at Andrews and a lot of the Students left after 1 or 2 years. The University retention was terrible.
88) The University is Cheapskates with the mens dorms. They spend almost nothing on the dorms. Thats right Zero.
99) The University doesn't have a committee for dorm issues or any student input on the dorm process and makes decisions without student input Unilaterally.
Not spending dorm money when they really should and using any excuse not to spend money on any dorm.
:)() The University Deans made sure that Burman Hall had a really nice apartment for the Dean while all of the students in Burman rot in chicken cages worthy of a slum lord.
2) Meier hall is strangely shaped and oddly designed building with 4 wings shaped
like an X and 4 ugly concrete stairways. This means that carrying furniture and clothing up three flights of stairs. Worse if you have a suburban and a U-haul and impossible if you have a truck load of possessions. Meier Hall and Burman are both inaccessible.
Worse yet the 4 dorm wings are connected to a two story core which prevents adding an elevator. The Meier hall dorm should have been square. Instead, Meier hall is an x shaped disaster. If a dorm is funny shaped then this effects the students perceptions whereas a straight square building is conventional and encourages affiliation with a University.
X. The University put really tiny dorm rooms in Burman which are chicken cages. There about 15 by 15 feet and if you share a room mate this is horribly tiny. This is even worse when you have an inmate for a room mate.
3) The men's dorm is not positioned for the 21st century. Universities are now rebuilding apartment style dorms.
4) The men's dorm is not secure and anyone can walk into it and the University has done nothing.
5) A university enrollment won't expand when you aren't
renovating or expanding the dorms. There is no recreational facility in Meier hall such as fireplaces or a game room or TVs or advanced networking such as the newer Universities have.
6) The women attracted a Miss America pageant contestant, but there is no Mr. Olympia. One of the male seminary students assaulted one of the teachers. The seminary students have a poor reputation including as one site said sleeping around and seducing naive women. The University put very little effort into upgrading or improving the Mens dorms. The male students at Andrews University are sorely lacking
7) The men's dorm's are not secure. Anyone can enter it or steal it. There are
4 concrete exits and it would be impossible to secure all of them. The men's dorm doesn't provide
an electronic access card like hotels have as some Universities are adding. Other Universities are upgrading the dorms with enhanced security. With the school shootings security is an issue.
8) The University Sucks.
X. Andrews University 0 dollars spent on Meier. Miami University 7 million dollars to renovate Ogden Hall.
X. Having stuff stolen in the dorm is not cool and this happened at Andrews.
X. The University has encouraged an adversarial relationship with the Berrien Springs Police department concerning the Male students and actively uses the police to resolve male student problems instead of internally.
X. The University retroactively assigns room mates without any consideration for whether you requested one.
X. The University charges 15000 dollars plus per year and then doesn't spend much on the dorms.
K. Sucks. The university doesn't spend much recruiting male students in the dorms which results in fewer opportunities for women to meet affluent men.
Z. Sucks.
PU. The University Professors favor female students in some classes since the University has neglected to spend money on the Mens dorm or provide incentives such as athletic programs that would draw affluent male students like Dean Kamen.
9) The University built Burman as an undergraduate dorm for a graduate student there with the stipulation that there was an age limit. Better yet they put Burman 150 feet away from Meier with 4 parking spots in the back. They also force students to move out of Meier and walk 150 feet away during the summer down three flights of steps and cart all of there belongings to the other dorm.
The University must have felt there was a need for a graduate dorm and that the Undergraduate male students weren't worth letting into Burman. Later, the University started moving all the first year students into Burman at the expense of the older students.
Newer buildings can be cheaper to operate which is another way the University has shot itself in the foot.
Andrews dorms where monolithic large monstrosities. The University should have made smaller dorms
which easier to change than two dorms with 80% of the students in Meier Hall.
Burman has chicken cages for rooms. Modern dorm rooms should be overly large and
apartment style.
The men's dorms favor the room mate system (antiquate). The room mate system is only as good as your room mate. And really terrible if you have a bad room mate. Every student should
have their own room and only share a suite with other students. As one Administrator of a University would say, "Every student wants there own room."
10) The University favors the female students and doesn't provide or expend any effort with the men's dorms. Some of the women married a bunch of losers for husbands. In some classes the female students got preferential treatment while minority male students got deferential treatment.
11) The University used a 10 million dollar donation to fund a stable for the cows in the University farm. Instead of improving the University 40+ year old mens dorms they "gave the money to the cows." The cows were more important than the mens dorms. The University spent 20 million dollars on Howard Center and 10 Million on the Church but has very little zeal for improving either the womens or mens dorms. The University has the attitude that the men aren't worth a modern ahem (not 50 or 80 year old mens dorm).
13) The University closed down a wing of Meier Hall so it could be used as a Hotel. This meant fewer rooms for students.
16) The University didn't provide any reputation management for the male students.
17) The University tried to make the dorms a Jack of Trades and a master of nothing. They made Burman into a concert hall/graduate dorm/undergrad/dean's apartment.
20) Caveat Emptor and when you see Meier Hall, Run.