Ivory Brites is a tooth whitening system that advertises when combined with another system works better than anything else on the market. They offer a 15 day free trial (all you pay is shipping 3.99) They do not send you any product until the 13-14th day after you order. I had put it on my calendar at my desk to cancel on the 12th day product or not, which I did via email as they request on their web page, and I followed it up with a phone call to a young man that sounded stoned and answered the phone with a "yeah?"
I told him I wanted to cancell. He said he would take care of it. My credit card statement shows a charge from Ivory Brites on 5/18/09 for 88.92. I called them and could not get through to a human. I emailed the "contact us" on the bottom of the web page again (same link I used to cancel on 5/6/09) and this morning received an email back from a man named Charlie Griffin stating that had I cancelled within the 15 days I would not have been charged. I shot back an email stating it was suspicious that he returns my emails AFTER they have charged my card and again requesting my money back in a timely manner, and by the way I still have NOT receievd any of their product- NOT EVEN THE "FREE TRIAL", nor do I wish to.
Please check out the latest scam and put a stop to it before others and are not so brite.