I thought I was just sampling a product. Thats what the web site stated. I purchased the trial supply/sample online. December 17, 2008 my bank account was charged $4.99 + $1.00 I assume for shipping/handling and an additional $1.00 it stated for shipping insurance which I did not request.
That was fine though. I had no problem with those charges which were listed on a strip of paper included with the sample. It stated on the paper that in order to receive a refund you must obtain an RMA number within 15 days of the date you were billed. I didn't want a refund, after all it was just a sample. At least that was what I thought they were talking about. There was no mention of any additional product being mailed to me in the future, and it certainly did not mention anything about any additional charges to my bank account.
However, on January 12, 2009 there was an entry on my bank account in the amount of $88.97, charged for teeth whitening. I was furious. I tried calling them but the message said ''due to high call volume, my estimated wait time was 5 min, then it said 10 min, and then 15 min. I have not been successful in getting anyone at this fake company, after several attempts and have now receive another, sample/supply of the whitening 'stuff'. The product received itself is a joke. I think its a travesty and someone should do something about it. I am so furious. I would have never agreed anything like this if it was honestly stated upfront, but it was not. They are stealing. Its internet/online robbery.